Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

lose a leg

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This post is about a 23,8km walk from Târgu Mureș to Mărășești. The Caboose loses one of her legs, and I see some bad corn. Packing took forever. I had new shoes, a nee poncho, a bivy bag, and a new book. I left the city some time before noon. leaving Târgu Mureș Traffic was […]

ready or not

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This post is about a 1km walk within Târgu Mureș. I am moving the Caboose, and it’s the shortest walk ever on The Longest Way. I was going to start walking the next day. So I went and got the Caboose from my friend’s garage and moved her to the place where I was staying. […]

Târgu Mureș

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This post is about a 28km walk from Cerghizel to Târgu Mureș. I walk through fields and on crazy roads, and I get my fifth rabies shot. When I woke up in the morning I was still alive. I hadn’t even been stung. Thanks, little dudes! I said to the bees, but since they were […]

not the bees!

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This post is about a 25km walk from Gogan to Cerghizel. I end up sleeping in a place that is full of the animals which I fear the most. In the morning Pastor Gabor took me to his neighbor Feri. He and his family were the Germans I had heard about the night before. They […]

songs in the forest

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This post is about a 26km walk from Prod to Gogan. I have to take a detour because the way through the forest is unsafe. The campground turned out to be fantastic. Dara and her mom Cora had horses, a pool, a few cabins, and a kitchen. There were some cats and dogs (one of […]

without you

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This post is about an 18km walk from Sighișoara to Prod. I leave town without Werner, I hate the road, and I worry about bears. No, I can’t forget that evening or his face as he was leaving, but I guess that’s just the way the story goes. And so, definitively wernerless, I tossed the […]

Goddammit, Werner

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This post is about a 20km walk from Brădeni to Sighișoara. I learn that there are bears in the region, and I make a plan for Werner. The night had been weird. We had camped in a patch of forest. It was close to the road and close to a place where a bunch of […]

the fellowship Of The Woods

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This post is about a 22km walk from Agnita to Brădeni. My plan to get rid of Werner has failed, but some kids in a village want to have him. Aaaaaand of course he was still there. He looked at me, wagging his tail as if to say: “I knew you’d be back, dude!” Goddammit, […]

a plan to get rid of him

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This post is about a 22km walk from Ilimbav to Agnita. Werner is still with me, and I come up with a plan to get rid of him. When I woke up, Werner was still there. He had slept next to me under the tree, right where I had pitched my tent. I sighed. Didn’t […]

Werner Herzog

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This post is about a 28km walk from Daia to Ilimbav. I look at the fortified church of Hosman and meet Werner the dog. It had stopped raining. I left the silence of the guesthouse and walked out onto a country road. There were no people and no cars. Then the road got busier and […]

the guesthouse of all guesthouses

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This post is about a 12km walk from Sibiu to Daia. I get a bit lost on a shortcut, then I get a room in the guesthouse of all guesthouses. The way out of Sibiu was a bicycle lane that was new, shiny, and green. I was completely alone on it, and there wasn’t much […]

the eyes of Sibiu

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This post is about a 2km walk within Sibiu. I change guesthouses and notice the famous “Eyes of Sibiu” on the way. The hostel was fully booked today. So I had to move. I decided to leave the area of sophistication and go to the edge of town to settle down there. It was a […]


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This post is about a 23km walk from the Orlat Monastery to Sibiu. The Caboose gets into her second traffic accident. In the morning I went to the chapel and lit a few candles. And then I did something I rarely ever do: I got myself some souvenirs. I didn’t have a fridge magnet of […]

the good sisters

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This post is about a 21km walk from Rod to the Orlat Monastery. I get lost in a forest and end up pitching my tent in a nun convent. I had slept well in the meadow. When I woke up it took a while to dry my things in the morning sun, and since there […]

the last uphill

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This post is about a 24km walk from Șugag to Rod. I tackle the last incline of the Carpathian mountains in the rain. The weather forecast said it was going to rain. The sky said it was going to rain. I felt tired to my bones, and I didn’t want to be out there, walking. […]

…and your enemies closer

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This post is about an 18km walk from Tau Bistra to Șugag. I start off with a deep fried pancake, and I make some friends on the way. The first thing I saw was another dam. It was called Tau Bistra, and it looked pretty damn big. langos The second thing I saw was a […]

major appliances

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This post is about a 19km walk from Oașa Lake to Tau Bistra. I am still tired, but in the end I get to play with a friendly dog. This morning I felt a bit better. I had taken a shower and washed my hair. Also, the team of the guesthouse had done me the […]

Carpathian Hunger

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This post is about a 24,4km walk from Obârșia Lotrului to Oașa Lake. I walk through the woods and I listen to Darkthrone. I felt tired when I left Ninel’s guesthouse. It would have been nice to stay there for a little while longer. They had a hammock between some trees, and the food was […]

tree line

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This post is about a 15km walk from the Transalpina View Point to Obârșia Lotrului. I am exhausted, but I make it down past the tree line. I woke up in the middle of the night, thinking I had heard footsteps on the gravel. There they were again! I looked outside the tent but couldn’t […]

thick slices of bread

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This post is about a 15km walk from Rânca to the Transalpina View Point. I see some snow and I hear some Hungarian. I had a tight vaccination schedule ahead of me: my next shot was going to be on June 21st. This meant that I needed to be in a place from where I […]