Tag Archives: Slovakia ๐ธ๐ฐ
death of a border
This post is about a 24km walk from Bratislava to Hainburg an der Donau. We cross the border into Austria, which feels strangely emotional. We took a little detour through the historic city center. There was an inscription under Michael’s Gate saying that Beijing was 7433km away. I remembered a similar inscription in Serbia many […]
This is a post about daydrinking in Bratislava. Brad and I walk around the old town, taking sips here and there, and we ascend the UFO tower. We had booked a hostel in downtown Bratislava because we were hip and because we wanted to socialize with others who were hip. And also because it was […]
This post is about an 18km walk from Kalinkovo to Bratislava. We finally make it to Bradislava, and it feels like a milestone. I promised Brad to not show her any pictures of the spiders. There were so many of them! Luckily, they only came out at night, and luckily, we had spent the night […]
shiny horse cock
This post is about a 15km walk from Bac to Kalinkovo. We see a giant horse sculpture, and we pitch our tent on a birdwatching platform. We woke up in a bad camping spot. It was far from traffic and undisturbed, which was good. There was a patch of relatively level concrete that was large […]
Horny Bar
This post is about a 23km walk from Gabcikovo to Bac. We walk through a village called Horny Bar, and we are excited about it. It was still raining when we loaded up the Caboose and got ready. This wasn’t ideal, but we put on our ponchos and started walking anyway. the town sign We […]
my top five colas
This post is about two days in a wood house in Gabcikovo. We wait out torrential rains, and we try Kofola. We stayed in our wood house for two and a half days. Meanwhile, it rained almost constantly. holed up The town with its supermarkets was a few kilometers away, but we got lucky: right […]
how we didn’t fuck up
This post is about an 8km walk from Sap to Gabcikovo. We start walking early in the morning, and we make it to our destination. The night had been surprisingly good. Fearing the rain, we had set our alarm to five in the morning, and for some reason we managed to not fuck up, but […]
past and through
This post is about an 18km walk from Cicov to Sap. We walk through a sunny day and end up camping next to an old ship. Two days of rain, two days of back pain. I didn’t know why it had gotten worse again, but given my recent hospital stay I felt worried. Maybe I […]
a pile of shit, visible from space
This post is about a 12km walk from Male Kosihy to Cicov. It’s a shitty day, there’s a giant pile of shit, and I lose my wallet. I woke up next to a small puddle of water. As it turned out the tent wasn’t fully waterproof anymore. It had been a bad night. The morning […]
This post is about an 18km walk from Komarno to Male Kosihy. It’s the first time I get mistaken for a beggar. We left Komarno in the rain. The road out of the city was loud and busy, but at least there was a sidewalk. When we got to a sign that said “BRATISLAVA 98” […]
what Trianon took
This post is about two days in Komarno. We marvel at our hotel room, and we go and look at the outside of a fortress. Finding a hotel in Komarno had been a bit of a disaster. First we had tried a place suspiciously called “Meat Head” because it was cheap and the first option […]
along the limes
This post is about a 22km walk from Radvan Nad Dunajom to Komarno. We see the ruins of a Roman garrison on the way. We left the motel after a day of rest. There was a sidewalk that led through the village of Radvan Nad Dunajom, and there were some Easter decorations that looked a […]
whipped cream
This post is about an 8km walk from Kravany Nad Dunajom to Radvan Nad Dunajom. We are tired and decide to just walk to the nearest motel. I woke up a few times during the night. It was cold, especially during the early morning hours, when temperatures dropped down to two or three degrees celsius. […]
the biblical question
This post is about a 16km walk from Obid to Kravany Nad Dunajom. We run a little short on supplies, but Brad saves the day. We had pitched our tent next to a utility structure that we hoped would provide us with some shelter from the wind. And it had turned out to be a […]
the slav squat
This post is about a 13km walk from Esztergom to Obid. We cross the bridge to Slovakia and the first Schengen border on The Longest Way. I forget how many countries I have walked through so far. That isn’t to say that I forgot about them. I just never kept count. Let me think… the […]