Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

super heroes

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In the morning the dude who had told me the way to the hotel showed up: His name was Yerig. It was snowing outside, and I didn’t really feel like walking: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube So I stayed in and took some selfies […]

hole in the sky

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When I woke up, the pilgrims had already left. So I said good-bye to Katya and her husband, the owners of the pilgrim guesthouse: Then I left the village that was called Aisha Bibi after the mausoleum: One time I saw a single dog on the road: I still wonder where it was going. Another […]

killing fun with pilgrims

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Left Taraz and my perfect hotel today. And what do you know, the city actually seemed a bit bigger now that I was walking through it. There was a burger place: A church: A mosque: And an amusement park: The snow had all but disappeared, and it felt like autumn again: When I passed the […]

looming loo

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The sky was strange this morning: Approaching. Looming. Foreboding. Made for an interesting time-lapse though: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube (I wish I could turn this into an ever-looping gif.) There was not much to see besides the clouds: One time a sign that […]


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Woke up in my room and saw the light shining through the window: Suddenly everything felt a little less spooky than before. The dead dog was still there though. I was told that the necessary “tools” to remove his body were missing. I had breakfast with Hamzat, a Russian of Chechen origin: Really cool guy. […]

sleep, God’s creature, sleep

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Got going in the early morning: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube I was looking at white mountains in the distance: And at a snowy expanse at my side: At one point, I ran into Chalymzhan, who was driving a herd of sheep next to […]

from the suite to the white line

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At some point I realized that I was actually staying in what was a suite in this Soviet-style guesthouse. I had a giant bathroom: A room with some couches: And a bedroom: It was easy to imagine a Communist Party bigwig some thirty or forty years ago staying here, enjoying the amenities of the suite. […]

just say no

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The time-lapse thingy from the night before turned out okay: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube I got on the road at around eight, and I took a shadow selfie when I did: …which was later outdone by a bunch of people on social media. […]

board games for pants

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Wore my long pants for the first time today: Or rather, I had worn them before, but never when I was walking. But today I thought, yes, it’s cold enough for long pants! Before the edge of town I stopped in a little shop and got some water, and the shop owner gave me a […]

leap of elegance

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Woke up with a sore back and left the hotel. Everyone was still asleep, and the place had a sort of classy feel to it: Then I made my way through the border: I can’t show you any photos of the border controls, because they don’t like being photographed or filmed there. I can only […]

the operator

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Woke up in my tiny room: Or the hole as I liked to call it. Then I said good-bye to the friendly ladies who worked at the hotel and stepped out of its main entrance: I was relieved to be outside again. The air was fresh, and there were people around: This was going to […]

more mosques less pictures

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I was going to post a lot of pictures today. Alas, something seems to be wrong with the blog. I upload photos, and they disappear. Not all of them, but many. Guess I’ll just post the ones that somehow made it through. Not sure what this is going to mean for the future, though. Anyway, […]

shower of the avantgarde

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I didn’t leave right away. Instead I went to a bazaar to find a new stool to sit on: My old one (both of them actually, the green one and the blue one) had finally succumbed to my weight after eight years. So I roamed Osh Bazaar for a little while: Until I found one: […]


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It had been such a good night: a quiet room, a hot shower, a comfy bed. I almost didn’t want to leave. But leave I did. The Caboose had been staying out here, in the backyard of the hotel: We made our way through Korday, the border town. It had a movie theater: It had […]

approved by Michael The Snake

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When I woke up I realized that the storm was gone: I looked out of the tent and saw clouds rolling over Korday pass: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube But that was okay. I wasn’t scared anymore. So I packed up and grabbed the […]

one in nine hundred thousand

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When I woke up I felt very tired. It had indeed been a noisy night. The restaurant was open 24/7, and there were always patrons who came in late at night for some tea and some snacks. By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube Still, I […]

House of Osman

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Finally, I stepped out of the door, got my Caboose, loaded her up and started walking again. The land was vast and empty. Sometimes I would see people harvesting: Sometimes I would see farmhouses: Sometimes I would see people, like this old lady waiting for someone to take her to the village: Or cows just […]


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Woke up in my tent, and hell yes, I was still alive: And except for my friends (the cows) having disappeared, everything was just the way it should be: It took me almost an hour to pack up all my stuff: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always […]

cows not snakes

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When I left the little town of Uzynagash in the early morning, I was feeling weak. My allergies had returned, and I was still struggling with a case of bad stomach. It was okay though. I went to a pharmacy to get some meds, then I went to one of these shops to get a […]

singers who fall from balconies

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I left Yegbakir’s family after breakfast, and when I did, it seemed as though the Caboose had found a new friend. I walked down village roads: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube It was neither too hot nor too cold, and everything was quiet: It […]