Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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When we woke up, we came up with a plan. Ruben was going to stay in the city and take care of some things for us there. Book train tickets. Check out some local souvenirs. That sort of thing. I took a cab back to Bulungur and met up with the family who had stored […]

welcome to yolo

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When we woke up, we were still alive. The stove was still burning. The gas hadn’t killed us. So we left the place and got on the road. Bought some bread on the way: Gallaorol looked a bit better in the sun, but only a bit: I got a bit upset at this stretch of […]


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When we got up in the morning, the fog was gone. So we started walking: The city was alright to walk: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube After a while, Jizzakh disappeared behind us, and we were on a country road: We knew from the […]

frozen vacation

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We knew today was going to be tough, because we had seen the whole distance. The thing about walking is this: it seems much harder from a vehicle or an airplane, because then you are able to see large distances at a time. But once you are out there walking on your own two feet, […]

ride ahead

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In the morning, we said good-bye to Tatyana, the friendly lady who was in charge of our hotel in Yangiyer: Then we took a cab back to Ulyanovo and went to Ikram’s house. The Caboose was there. And so was his family. It was Sunday. “Come in for tea!” they said. So we went in […]


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When we got up, we packed the Caboose and took her outside, upon which we immediately set her down again… …for this was our place to dance: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube We had come up with a plan to dedicate this historical 7000km […]

almost a dance

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When we finally left Gulistan, we got terribly lost in its bazaar: See the gate in the back of the picture? That wasn’t the way out. Well, we walked past Christmas decorations… …and past a sign that said SAMARQAND: This was the first time that I had ever seen the name Samarqand outside in the […]

half day of frost

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We couldn’t leave right away. First we had to ride a car for forty minutes: When we arrived in Yangiyul, we waited for two hours in front of the courthouse: Then I was finally handed my documents. But we couldn’t go back just yet. First we had to register our stay at the hotel in […]

Alexander’s river

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When I woke up, I was greeted by heavy rain. So I went back to sleep. Two hours later, the rain had gone, only the clouds were still there: It was very windy. I crossed the river Syr Darya at this bridge: Wasn’t allowed to take any pictures of the river itself and had my […]

la Cabouse est morte, vive la Cabouse!

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So there she was: The new Caboose: The Caboose 2.0: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube Nice, huh? We started walking right away, through the bazaar of Yangiyul, filled with cars and cars and people: Then the bazaar gave way to a more quiet road: […]


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Today Samandar and his dad picked me up, and they had the new Caboose with them: I was excited to take her for a walk, but no. We had to go back to the police and wait around some more. For the third time. I was reminded of my court case in Almaty a couple […]

death of the Caboose

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Wearing my blue Santa hat, and with the Caboose nicely adorned, I said good-bye to the friendly people of the hotel: Looking back it seems a little bit like decorating a sheep that’s about to be slaughtered. But I didn’t know that yet. So we walked out of Tashkent, the place that felt like a […]


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Woke up and brushed my teeth next to the road: You can see the border to Uzbekistan right be hind me. Then I changed some Uzbek money and got this ridiculously large wad of cash: Inflation is the name of the game. Had some cookies and some ice-tea, watched some “Modern Family” on my phone […]

a perfect bench and a Caboose in pain

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Everyone got up pretty early, when it was still dark outside. We had some tea and some bread, then we said good-bye: Yerik introduced me to his neighbor, a blind gentleman who really loved the idea of walking around with the Caboose: I was a bit worried though, because the ball bearings on one of […]

the worst kind of rain

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Woke up, had some tea with Nurzhan, and then I got on my way again. Nurzhan’s dad had been telling me about an uphill slope I was going to have to tackle. And he was right, it sucked. But there was a reward at the end: The Caboose liked it very much: But I was […]

out of shape

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It’s always the same: Whenever I am about to embark on a journey, I feel nervous. This time was no exception. I hadn’t walked in more than a month, a new country lay ahead, winter was coming. I hated it. But there is always an upside: it can feel pretty nice to just do things […]

those who like golden things

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When I woke up, my head hurt. There had been a lot of noise in the hotel during the night, and with “noise” I mean the kind of noise sex workers make when they want their clients to get it over with. It was depressing. I left the hotel and pulled the Caboose through some […]

king of the hill

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I had to leave early in the morning, because it was going to be a long way today. So I left the house of the friendly Azeri family at around eight: Walked past a little shop: And then I was out on the highway again: It turned out to be hills all day. Just up […]


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The morning was sunny and the sky was blue: As I was leaving Turar Ryskulov, I walked past this gentleman preparing a huge pot of plov: And it took me a while until I understood that it was for a restaurant he was about to inaugurate: He asked me if I wanted to stay, but […]

autumn to a pool

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Woke up in Zoe’s living room: It had been a warm night under the Mecca poster next to the oven: Zoe was in a great mood, and so was I: We hung out for a while, having tea and talking about the ways of the world, then at around noon I finally got on my […]