Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

road to ruins

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It was still raining when I left Gebele. Walking around in the drizzle didn’t feel like a big deal, but I didn’t want to get surprised by heavy rains again. Maybe I was making a mistake? But it turned out that even the drizzle stopped after a while, and the road was quiet and friendly: […]


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When I woke up, I was in my tent in the forest: I peaked out and noticed that Mah Fren was there, waiting for me to come out and play: So play we did: Then I started walking, and the road, albeit going up-up-up, was good, and I felt optimistic: There wasn’t much in terms […]


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When I left Ismailli in the morning, the sky was saying something along the lines of: “hey dude, check me out, I’m as optimistic as I am blue!” One genuinely weird thing about the whole area was the abundance of castle-like structures. They were everywhere. Ismailli was doing its part for the castilification of Azerbaijan […]

hello, autumn

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Ilgar, the owner of Kafe Piknik, had given me a little shack to sleep in: It had been a strange night. It started out too cold (so that I put on a bunch of clothes and used my sleeping bag together with blankie) and ended up too warm (so that I woke up drenched in […]

easy mode or hard mode?

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The weather was mild, and Shamakhi was green: And as long as the road was flat, walking almost felt easy: But I was worried. Today was the day that I would have to decide: take the easy way south out of the mountains and into the flat land towards the city of Ganja (and then […]


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“Chris, don’t leave today,” Murat, who spoke English pretty well, gave me a pitiful look as I was loading up the Caboose. He pointed up to the sky: “There will be rain!” “Yes, maybe there will be rain,” I answered. “Or maybe there won’t.” This was well in line with my general attitude of knowing […]

all i need

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When I woke up I felt tired and sore: I looked outside and saw a few tractors that were being repaired, and since it was just a few minutes after seven, I wondered if this was by any chance a 24/7 repair shop: Then my mind became occupied with other things – there was a […]

a quick fox didn’t jump

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I woke up early in the morning, brushed my teeth, got some hot water for my tea, and then I said goodbye to the boss and stepped out of the gate: The world seemed to be asleep, and I did not see many people outside: Then the buildings on either side of the road became […]

the process of leaving

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Today was the day that I finally left Baku. After more than two weeks spent hanging out and exploring, after a lot of good food, after a trip to Kazakhstan and intense feelings of loneliness, I was now ready to leave. It felt right. So I walked out of the hotel gates, and I turned […]

where are you and where am I

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Remember a while ago I told you that I suspected one of my thermos flasks to be broken? Well, it seemed as though it was true. I didn’t understand why, but the thing had started to become hot on the outside after I poured hot water into it, and then the water inside quickly cooled […]

bad man good man

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I went back to the museum today, to get my “antiques” looked at. Turns out it cost me 5 euros for photos and almost 50 euros for the certificate for the items. It didn’t feel good. I walked back to the apartment where I was staying, and on the way there I came across a […]


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Today, on the 25th of August, Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, was coming to Baku. And so was I, Christoph Rehage, Puller of the Caboose. We would probably not meet, though. The Caboose and I were very busy. I left the hotel at about nine in the morning: It had been good a good […]

cow overrules everything

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Imagine being a mouse and sleeping in the exhaust pipe of a parked vehicle. That’s what it felt like for me last night. It wasn’t that good. I slipped quietly out of the truck repair shop: And then I was in the semi-desert again: Sadly, there was no other way but the highway: Sometimes I […]

Donald Trump’s origins

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I woke up after a surprisingly good night in the tent: I walked for a little while, and then, right before the little town of Alat, I saw my first oil well: Its bobbing head reminded me of chicken, and it was strange to think that this was what Baku had been built upon. The […]

58 phone cards

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After what can only be described as a perfectly peaceful night, I woke up well-rested and thanked Ildar, the owner of the restaurant “Tabriz”, for his hospitality: Then I continued along the old highway, thinking that it would probably last forever: But of course it didn’t. The old highway ended somewhere in a fenced area. […]

bridge to silence

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If you look at the map, you can see how the river winds through the city of Salyan, and that there are several ways to cross it. For reasons that are not quite clear to me in hindsight, I ended up walking towards a bridge in the west. It felt good at first. The road […]

got til it’s gone

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The ramp from the new highway to the old highway was closed: Of course, I thought, of fucking course. I didn’t feel like dismantling the Caboose again, so I started looking for a hole in the fence. And there was one: Once I made it to the old highway, I ran into Sarah from Spain: […]


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When I woke up under the bridge, I felt like crap. There had been jackals during the night. And mosquitos. And people in cars trying to cross the barricades. It had been a horrible night. So I left the bridge: And I walked for a little bit under the empty highway: Then, after 2,5 kilometers, […]

why do jackals suddenly appear?

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The sky was overcast, and yet the morning seemed to radiate with optimism: Maybe it was because of my pink thingies that I had bought. Speaking of pink thingies, when I saw this little party store I went in and bought some additional thingies: Walked past a park with a statue of the late President […]

welcome to the club

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The road out of Lankaran was amazingly well suited for walking – the asphalt was smooth, trees stood on both sides, and there was almost no traffic: Sometimes there were little rivers to cross, but I did so easily on bridges: And under the cover of the clouds, it wasn’t even hot: The only downside […]