Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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This post is about a 19km walk from Kovukkavla to Akcakoca. First I get held up by the wind, then it starts raining. And I meet an old cat. When I started walking in the morning it was a bit more windy than usual. Also it was supposed to start raining by nightfall. I figured […]

from steel

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This post is about a 22km walk from Eregli to Kovukkavla. Finding a place to sleep is difficult at first, but then good things happen. Walking into Eregli the night before had been difficult, and when I left in the morning it didn’t get much easier. The place was swarming with cars. There were sidewalks, […]

the road sign

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This post is about a 30km walk from the Martyrs’ Forest to Eregli. I run into three cyclists, and the road makes me very tired. Tuncar returned to work at his restaurant just as I was packing the tent. “Finish up and come inside,” he said, “you need some more soup!” And so I warmed […]

soup at the end of the day

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This post is about a 20km walk from Zonguldak to the Martyrs’ Forest. I make it through one tunnel and around a few more. I had a hard time falling asleep the night before. And I woke up before dawn, feeling scared. People had been telling me about a few tunnels that were lurking on […]

looking for a tunnel

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This post is about a 20km walk from Catalagzi to Zonguldak. It’s one of those extremely rare occasions that I’m looking for a tunnel. Something unexpected happened this morning: the sun had come back, and it was shining hard on the industrial landscape around me: factories, freight trains, fences – and black dust. Turkish cops […]

the good people of the dusty places

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This post is about a 20km walk from Filyos to Catalagzi. I arrive in a heavy industry area where the people are very friendly. I woke up in a wooden pavilion that stood in a park by the beach. At one point during the night, all the street dogs of Filyos had gathered around the […]

lies and bridges

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This post is about a walk from Mugada to Filyos. I tried to take a shortcut across a bridge, but some men in uniform turned me away. When I went downstairs to the café I stepped into a world of warmth. Metil was making soup and tea, and the windows were completely fogged up. Outside, […]

Mustafa’s persimmon

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This post is about a walk from Bartin to Mugada. I end up finding a place of light in almost total darkness. In the morning I had another long conversation with the lady who owned the hotel. There was tea and gossip from both Germany and Turkey, and I couldn’t stop listening. When I left […]

grasping at straws

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This post is about a walk from Amasra to Bartin. I saw an awesome Roman monument, and I asked two Turkish TV stars for help. I took the first ascent out of Amasra in one go, and I was surprised by the strength in my legs. Apparently the three days of rest had served them […]

we want… a shrubbery!

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This post is about a walk from Cakraz to Amasra. I’m a bit worried about my back at first, but it turns out to be fine. I was worried before I started walking in the morning. Half of the way from Cakraz to Amasra seemed to be one long uphill. And it was steep. How […]

stop haunting me!

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This post is about a 29km walk from Kurucasile to Cakraz. The Kantian has the fun experience of walking through a tunnel for the first time. When we left the ögretmenevi, we were in a good mood. It had rained heavily over night, but we had been in a room with a little window overlooking […]

the 14th day

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This post is about a walk from Gideros to Kurucasile. It was also my own gift to myself for my 40th birthday. I had wanted nothing but this for my birthday: walking. I wanted to feel the road under my shoes, the wind in my hair, the sun in my face. Like on that First […]

Disco Inferno

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This post is about a walk from Cide to Gideros. My old friend the Kantian joins me, and we decide to party into my birthday. Guess who came to walk with me for a few days? That’s right:the Kantian! And since it was going to be my birthday the day after, we decided to settle […]

A Story Of Regret: Part II

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This post is about a walk from a shelter near Camalti to Cide. It’s the second and closing part of this story of regret. The shelter turned out to be perfect. It was a little house with windows and a door, and next to it there was a water faucet, a toilet, and a separate […]

A Story Of Regret: Part I

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This post is about a 31km walk from an abandoned house near Kerempe Feneri to a shelter near Camalti. It’s part one of a story of regret. There are two parts to this story. If you read them and you end up feeling disappointed in me, then you are not alone. I feel the same […]

around the bend

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This post is about a 23km walk from Doganyurt to an abandoned house near Kerempe Feneri. There’s a lighthouse and an emotional moment. I bought some bread and some bananas. Then, just as I was leaving, one of the old men of Doganyurt appeared. He had previously told me about the time when he used […]

the yellowing

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This post is about a 12km walk from Kayran to Doganyurt. It was the time when I noticed the leaves slowly getting yellow. Remember how I was cold when I was spending the night in my summer sleeping bag and Blankie in the village school a few days earlier? Well, this time I woke up […]

gut feelings

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This post is about a 25km walk from Inebolu to Kayran. My plan was to stay in a coastal village on the way, but instead I continued walking. I took a stroll through Inebolu in the morning. Officially I was just on a quest to buy some bananas, but what I really wanted was to […]

tiki torches

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This post is about a 26km walk from Abana to Inebolu. I reenacted a movie scene on the way, and in the end there were torches. It had rained heavily during the night. But when I left Abana in the morning, a bit of water here and there and a sense of freshness in the […]

not all drivers

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This post is about an 18km walk from Samanci to Abana. I learned something about the hills west of here, and in the end I got very angry. Last night I made a mistake. I knew it was probably going to be a bit cold, but I decided to use my summer sleeping bag and […]