Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

come out blasting

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This post is about a 21km walk from Novaci to Rânca. I somehow manage to gain 1100 meters of altitude in one day. I had slept too little. The plan had been to go to bed early and rise early, to be well rested and make use of as many hours of sunlight as possible. […]

land of a thousand wells

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This post is about a 24km walk from Mușetești to Novaci. I see wells everywhere, and I walk to the start point of the Via Transalpina. The people from the adventure park had turned out to be quite wonderful. Not only did they allow me to camp wherever I wanted to on their premises, but […]

adventure park

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This post is about a 20km walk from Turcinești to Mușetești. I take a shortcut through some water and sleep in an adventure park. Having slept during much of the afternoon of the day before and during the night, I felt better this morning. And so I packed my stuff and started walking again. There […]

I try not to poop

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This post is about a 4km walk from Rugi to Turcinești. I am really just trying to get to a place where I can lay down. Those of you who have been with me for a long time might remember my friend Paul. I haven’t talked about him since China, have I? Well, Paul was […]

anything but the shit show

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This post is about a 23km walk from Rasoviţa to Rugi. After a short stint on one of the main roads I walk through the fields again. At about seven in the morning I was glad that I had put my tent outside of the cemetery gate and not inside. An old man with a […]

no way

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This post is about a 32km walk from Tismana to Rasoviţa. I learn that I have to change my route, and I end up sleeping next to a graveyard. I don’t go back to the monastery. Instead I have tea with Alexandra and John, a couple from Bucharest who are renting a bungalow close by. […]


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This post is about a 27km walk from Ponoarele to Tismana. I’m excited to see the Tismana Monastery, but things work out differently. I had been playing with the idea of staying in the guesthouse for another day. It was mostly the soreness in my legs that was telling me to do so. But in […]

morning beer

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This post is about a 32km walk from Godeanu to Ponoarele. I start off with a morning beer, and toward the end I struggle a bit. The night was good, but it was over too early. I had pitched the tent in the shade of the late afternoon, which meant that now it was in […]

don’t forget the struggle

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This post is about a 9km walk from Balotești to Godeanu. The first stretch is one of the toughest climbs the Caboose and I have ever done. Mircea has warned me about the road ahead. It’s steep and unpaved, and it winds its way up the mountain for about three or four kilometers. I am […]

Via Transilvanica

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This post is about a 19km walk from Drobeta-Turnu Severin to Balotești. I fix a tire in John’s bike shop La Pedale, and I wait out some rain. In the morning I walked through Drobeta and straight to a bike shop called La Pedale. I had been there before a few days earlier to fix […]


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This post is about a 27km walk from Kladovo to Drobeta-Turnu Severin. I cross the border from Serbia to Romania via the Iron Gate I dam. When I go to the supermarket in the morning to buy some provisions (mostly bananas, bread, and ayvar), I see a huge dude with a slogan on the back […]

Trajan’s Bridge

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This post is about a 27km walk from Velesnica to Kladovo. I walk the wrong way, one time by accident, one time on purpose. The first fisherman showed up at 4:30. He walked past my tent, went down to the river, looked at it for a while, and then disappeared. Alexander showed up at about […]

fishing huts

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This post is about a 26km walk from Mihajlovac to Velesnica. Bojan and his daughter come to visit. And I get my own stickers. I woke up early and continued my walk along the Danube. The country was flat and the sun was hot. They were a lot of large summer houses on the shores […]


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This post is about a 19km walk from Negotin to Mihajlovac. I reach the Danube, and a bureaucratic hurdle means that I have to hurry. I would have liked to stay longer at the Base Camp in Negotin, but a problem had arisen: the border of Serbia and Romania at Kladovo was located on the […]

killing candles

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This post is about a 20km walk from Salaš to Negotin. I see a monastery and meet Bojan, owner of the Base Camp for Adventurers. Today it wasn’t a bird that woke me up. It was a group of farmers. They had come to a field next to where I was camping to start their […]


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This post is about a 24km walk from Rgotina to Salaš. I walk on quiet roads during the day and under the moonlight during the night. I woke up early in the morning to the sound of an alarm. Beep-beep, it went, beep-beep-beep. Only it wasn’t an alarm. I looked out from my tent into […]

home advantage

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This post is about a 23km walk from Bor to Rgotina. Chinese workers invite me to lunch, then I make a friend who is also Chinese. “Why don’t you have lunch with us?” one of the Chinese guys said. They were staying in the same hotel as I, and the day before I had failed […]

horned viper

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This post is about a 26km walk from Felix Romuliana to Bor. I walk with a shepherd, and then I make a dangerous friend. The ruins were spectacular. The reminded me of the Gate Of Trajan in Bulgaria, only these were much bigger. There was a mosaic under a protective roof, and there were some […]

the emperor and his mom

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This post is about a 11km walk from Zaječar to Felix Romuliana. I take a mean shortcut that leads me to the grave of a Roman Emperor. I’ve decided to take a detour. There are some Roman ruins west of here, and they look pretty interesting. They’re called Felix Romuliana, and they house the grave […]

you don’t make up pranks

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This post is about an 18km walk from Vratarnica to Zaječar. There is a charming but forgotten village where I end up ringing the church bells. I wake up in my tent and look at the watch: it’s five in the morning. I open my sleeping bag and the tent flap. The time for the […]