Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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I woke up knowing that I would dance today. But when I looked at my foot I didn’t really feel like doing anything: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube I left anyway. With my iPhone gone, I didn’t have any mobile internet anymore. I owned […]

hipster tragedy

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Okay, so I finally did it. I got up, gathered all my things and rolled the Caboose out from her storage and onto the street. Then I said good-bye to the good people from the hostel I had been staying at: Only Sarkozy (that yellow-eyed demon on the left) kept ignoring me. I suspect that […]


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When I woke up I noticed that the rooms had an interesting pricing structure: I figured that people who rented a room for just two hours probably needed it in order to play a nice game of monopoly (albeit a quick one). I didn’t have anyone to play with, so I massaged my legs and […]

the canal road

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Today was going to be easier than yesterday. Less km, less traffic on the road. Someone had told me about a village with a hotel about 30km to the West and about an alternative road that ran about 5km south of the main road. So I went looking for it: I could see the mountains […]

the other room

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I knew that the day was going to be long. So I got up early in the morning, when the hotel was still asleep, and I left the key in the door. Then I got on the new road: It was quiet walking. Good walking. One time I passed a graveyard: And sometimes I saw […]

space pants

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Woke up with a song stuck in my head. A very very very very very very very very very very good song. So the walking was easy: And the burden was light. First I came through a large gorge. There was nothing in that gorge (people later told me that it was full of wolves […]

flies that bite

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With practically no sleep during the night before, I got up early and packed my things. Then I got going. The road wasn’t good: It went on like this for hours: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube Once I ran into tourists, two young men […]

stairway to meteors

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Today saw me falling out of bed at five. There was an idea behind this: I wanted to snap pictures of the first sun rays creeping into the canyon. I had seen it the morning before, when it was already too late to set up the camera, and today I wanted to be on time. […]

apologies to the Caboose

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Slight change of plans. People had been telling me about the REAL canyon. It wasn’t here where I was. It was somewhere far away, and it was supposed to be awesome. So I left the place with the nice trees and the nice feeling of safety and got back on the road: I crossed the […]

the gun scare

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This is going to be a long one because some shit happened. But read for yourself if you like. Or just watch the videos. … I got up and left Shonzhy early in the morning, because I wanted to get to a certain Charyn Canyon in the west. The small town seemed to be still […]


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I woke up at five in the morning. I was in a small room on a sort of kang-style bed: And I wasn’t alone. I had spent the night with a man who introduced himself as Jackson: Apparently because his original name sounded a bit alike. And Jackson had to get up early in the […]

what good is a shrub?

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When I got up this morning, I figured I’d do a bit more walking than the day before: It was easy at first: I walked a light 20km, and I basically felt invincible. There were no villages. One time these two serious-looking guys stopped just to give me a lollipop: I offered them some of […]

cats and dogs

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I left Zharkent early in the morning… …because I wanted to get as far as I could before the sun started punishing the land. I walked down a long tree-lined road: And I saw a cyclist once. He looked like an old man, and he had a Swiss flag attached to his bicycle. He didn’t stop. In […]

all the other countries

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I left early in the morning, and when I did, I saw a sparrow’s nest that the people here were keeping next to a window: I had noticed the bird in the corridor the night before, but I had thought nothing of it. Now I knew that the bird somehow belonged here. Walking was tough but good. The […]

bye-bye Zhongguo

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It all started with a hangover. I woke up feeling terrible. So I just lay there for a while. The ceiling was there. The room was there. The hotel was there. Everything was there. Nothing was missing. I was ready to go. Yet I didn’t really want to. I made the decision to leave around noon. That’s when […]

master of the wind

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Today was going to be my last walking day this summer: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube So, with our new identification papers in our pockets, we waltzed out of town. On our way to the border. We Passed architectural wonders: …flowers… …and a dude […]

how we became approved

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We left the town of Huocheng, which was bigger than we had thought: Passed a wedding ceremony on the way: And gradually gained back the countryside: And then I crossed my own way. It happened here: I had come from the opposite direction a bit more than a week ago, when I was walking on […]

new old things

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When the sun came out, we left the regiment and started out walking through fields: Our goal was to take dirt roads as much as we could: And so we walked: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube …past fires… …past spectators… …past pink houses… …past […]

corn snake

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Today we started to walk. I was happy that the Caboose seemed to get along quite well with my good friend Dario: (It would have been hard if I had to choose between them.) We took a different way out of Yining, and we passed by something that looked old: I’m saying that it “looked […]

who wants to stay in Stalin street?

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When I stepped out into the morning, the first thing I noticed was a flat tyre on the Caboose. I messed around with it for a while, trying not to feel bothered by the bystanders. “Look, it’s broken,” they would say to each other. “He’s trying to fix it.” Yeah well, it didn’t help. I […]