Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

past and through

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This post is about an 18km walk from Cicov to Sap. We walk through a sunny day and end up camping next to an old ship. Two days of rain, two days of back pain. I didn’t know why it had gotten worse again, but given my recent hospital stay I felt worried. Maybe I […]

a pile of shit, visible from space

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This post is about a 12km walk from Male Kosihy to Cicov. It’s a shitty day, there’s a giant pile of shit, and I lose my wallet. I woke up next to a small puddle of water. As it turned out the tent wasn’t fully waterproof anymore. It had been a bad night. The morning […]


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This post is about an 18km walk from Komarno to Male Kosihy. It’s the first time I get mistaken for a beggar. We left Komarno in the rain. The road out of the city was loud and busy, but at least there was a sidewalk. When we got to a sign that said “BRATISLAVA 98” […]

along the limes

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This post is about a 22km walk from Radvan Nad Dunajom to Komarno. We see the ruins of a Roman garrison on the way. We left the motel after a day of rest. There was a sidewalk that led through the village of Radvan Nad Dunajom, and there were some Easter decorations that looked a […]

whipped cream

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This post is about an 8km walk from Kravany Nad Dunajom to Radvan Nad Dunajom. We are tired and decide to just walk to the nearest motel. I woke up a few times during the night. It was cold, especially during the early morning hours, when temperatures dropped down to two or three degrees celsius. […]

the biblical question

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This post is about a 16km walk from Obid to Kravany Nad Dunajom. We run a little short on supplies, but Brad saves the day. We had pitched our tent next to a utility structure that we hoped would provide us with some shelter from the wind. And it had turned out to be a […]

the slav squat

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This post is about a 13km walk from Esztergom to Obid. We cross the bridge to Slovakia and the first Schengen border on The Longest Way. I forget how many countries I have walked through so far. That isn’t to say that I forgot about them. I just never kept count. Let me think… the […]


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This post is about an 8km walk from Szamarhegy to Esztergom. We walk on a bike path next to the Danube, and it’s an easy day. Our last town in Hungary lay ahead: Esztergom, which was apparently known to us Germans as… Gran. I had never heard of that name, nor had I known that […]

ten minutes of snow

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This post is about a 17km walk from Visegrad to Szamarhegy. The day is windy AF, and at some point it even starts snowing for a few minutes. Rosali’s guesthouse had turned out to be awesome: we had a large room with a bed and a sleeping couch, and there was a communal kitchen we […]

the bros

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This post is about a 13km walk from Tahitotfalu to Visegrad. We sing anti-Putin songs and waltz into the birthplace of the Visegrad Group. When I woke up in the tent I felt relieved. Relieved that my back was still okayish, relieved that the night hadn’t been too cold, neither for Brad nor for me, […]

two lives in a moment

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This post is about a 13km walk from Szentendre to Tahitotfalu. We have lunch next to the river, and we meet Maria and George. We filled our thermoses with hot tea and said goodbye to our host Gabor, then we pulled the Caboose out of her spot in his garage and got going. Szentendre turned […]

back with the bikes

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This post is about a 14km walk from Budapest to Szentendre. Brad and I walk on a bicycle route and get invited to stay with Gabor. The guesthouse had a map in the lobby. It showed the same thing I had seen on that monument on my first day in Hungary: the territory of the […]


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This post is about a 12km walk within Budapest. My friend Marisha aka Brad has come to the rescue, and we’re taking it real slow. And then the day came. I didn’t feel ready yet, but maybe I just didn’t know what being “ready” was supposed to actually feel like. My back hurt, and so […]

one who rents

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This post is about a short walk within Budapest. I have decided to rent an apartment for a few months and try to get better with PT. I left the hospital after about a week. The doctors were still talking about surgery, the physical therapist still didn’t want to hear anything of it, and I […]


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This post is about a 21km walk from Alsónémedi to Budapest. The way into the city is difficult, and my body hurts. The road to Budapest is a nightmare. It is narrow, there is a lot of traffic, and at one point I have to cross a highway on an overpass. There is trash everywhere. […]

refusing to die

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This post is about a 24km walk from Újhartyán to Alsónémedi. I fail to enter a 13th century church, but then I see some amazing sunflowers. When I started walking it was noon, and the Caboose felt a bit heavier. I had received many gifts: a bottle of homemade palinka, a pot of honey, a […]

hi rabbit, hi deer

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This post is about a 34km walk from Csemő to Újhartyán. I take a sandy path through the woods and take a nap in a meadow. I was up and back on the road by seven thirty. No need to stay until the people from the eco center showed up to work, I thought. I […]

bad sands

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This post is about a 27km walk from Törtel to Csemő. I get stuck on a difficult road, and it takes me hours to walk just a few kilometers. I woke up in a sort of Teletubby land: blue sky, white clouds, short grass, soft colors. The tent was wet, so I decided to rest […]

Aaron’s land

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This post is about a 27km walk from Szolnok to Törtel. There’s a brief intermezzo on the EuroVelo 11, and a good camping spot at night. I had my bi-weekly online therapy session in the morning. After that I messed around with the computer, trying to create a backup of a backup of my recent […]

chocolate and cheesecake

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This post is about a 28km walk from Törökszentmiklós to Szolnok. I start out in the mud, then I have ice cream, and then I get a bit lost. Wasps, a few of them, right behind the nylon. I could hear their buzzing sounds, and sometimes I could see them crawl around on the outside […]