Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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Okay, today’s post is going to be a deluge of photos, and it’s going to have the longest Let’s Walk video to date. It might be a bit much. But again, I thought I’d share with you as much as I can about Turkmenistan the way I saw it. But first, breakfast: It wasn’t the […]

hello, cloud

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The people I come across on this Turkmen part of The Longest Way are really nice, almost all of them. There have been the occasional instances where people stared at me in a way that could be considered unfriendly, but I think they were just confused and didn’t know what to make of me. Foreigners […]

are you German?

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I keep seeing these weird things in the desert. Like the upside down plastic bottles. Like the written notes hanging in the bushes. Like this thing: It’s probably far from the truth, but I like to think that the desert inspires people to express themselves artistically. A truck driver spends hours and hours on the […]

the village that was too big

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When I woke up, hot water for our morning tea was already boiling: It felt like a sort of luxury camping actually. And no more spiders. Or at least I hadn’t seen any. Today my guide Shukur helped me get the Caboose out from the dunes: I had been experimenting with nicknames for the two, […]

in slippers through the Turkmen desert

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Of course wearing flipflops was not feasible for long distances. But my right heel looked pretty bad: It wasn’t a simple blister anymore, it was a wound. Blisters could be treated quite effectively in the course of one night, but this was different. So I decided to wear my bathroom slippers today: I had bought […]

candy flipflop spider land

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The first thing I saw in the morning when I got back on the road was this restaurant in the desert: Then two guys stopped their car and asked for a photo: I particularly liked the hat. Walking sucked, though. My little toes had been squashed by my leather shoes, and my other pair of […]

a road of bottles, notes, and graves

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The hotel room in Turkmenabat was alright: If you like a hard bed. I asked my guide if I could strap a camera to my chest and film in the city, and after some deliberation we decided that maybe the small action cam on the side of the Caboose would be a better idea. So […]

unreal Turkmenistan

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As I’m writing this I begin to realize that all of the following blog posts will be very long, with lots and lots of pictures (and hopefully with some videos as well). I think this is because Turkmenistan was a special experience for me, after waiting for such a long time to get in. There […]

a white dress with flowers

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Things often look very different at night than they do in the light of day. When I woke up this morning, the room seemed much better than before: Sure, it was very hot, so hot in fact that many of the other hotel guests were sleeping with their doors open, but it was an okay […]

forgotten sirup

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I woke up dreading the day. My spine still hurt, and I knew there was a high chance I would have to walk 50k today. I had some breakfast, then I went back to the road. There were truckloads of people being driven around, I suspected that they were working the fields somewhere: I walked […]

redder than red

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I left Bukhara without seeing Bukhara. The plan was to do this another time. The road needed more walking first. So I set out this morning, and I walked. One of the first things I saw was this gas station, which had a rather long line of cars waiting in front of it: I figured […]


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I was going to start walking at five in the morning, because I knew I was probably going to have to make 50k today. Only then I decided to sleep until seven, and I left the hotel at eight. On my way out of town, I stopped at this gentleman’s house: People in Uzbekistan seem […]

empty bottles

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I woke up in the same hotel next to Navoiy airport where I had spent the night before. Only it was 40$ instead of 60$ this time. I had breakfast, then I waited for a car to take me back to Kiziltepa: Walking to a place and then taking a car to sleep somewhere else […]


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I had parked the Caboose in the back of the hotel, and when I went to pick her up this morning, she was covered in laundry: I thought it was cute, but she looked like she wanted to leave. The day was overcast, which was good for us, because it meant that temperatures wouldn’t get […]

who won World War II?

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See my GPS track on the map above? It branches out into different areas before deciding on a northwestern direction. The branches happened because of the police. My original plan was to walk west and then north, but I didn’t get very far before the police stopped me. I had taken a photograph in an […]

avoid the sun

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When I left Ziadin in the morning, I saw a lot of people on the road: Most were waiting for rides: There were young women with parasols: And old ladies in colorful outfits: And there were European campers, a lot of them. Sometimes it was just motor home after motor home. Some of the drivers […]

weld grind burn

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So I went back to the road, tripod or not. It took a while to get back to Mirbazar, after all it was more than 100km from Samarkand. I took a cab, and on the way there I slept. When I looked out the window once, I saw rain outside. And then I was in […]

our photos

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When I got back to the restaurant where the Caboose had spent the night, the first thing we all did was take photos together: Lots and lots of photos: And because everyone felt sorry that I hadn’t been able to spend the night there, I got treated to a very nice breakfast of chicken tabaka: […]

little dudes and eggs and soap

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Juma having no hotel and Uzbekistan having a rule that foreigners had to stay in hotels in order to register could mean only one thing: I had parked the Caboose overnight, hopped in a car back to Samarkand, slept there and then taken a taxi back to Juma in the morning. It was all very […]

green again

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Loaded up the Caboose in the morning, and she was ready to go: I had added some reflective tape for extra visibility in the dark: And then we were on our way. Finally. After more than three months! Samarkand was looking her finest: We walked past traffic: And more traffic: One time there was an […]