in slippers through the Turkmen desert

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Of course wearing flipflops was not feasible for long distances. But my right heel looked pretty bad:

bad heel

It wasn’t a simple blister anymore, it was a wound. Blisters could be treated quite effectively in the course of one night, but this was different. So I decided to wear my bathroom slippers today:

walking in slippers

I had bought them in a bazaar in Kazakhstan more than a year ago. I loved them because they had a tag: MADE IN KAZAKHSTAN. And because they were very comfy. Now I was going to walk through the desert in them.

We were camped out in the dunes, and I needed some help pulling the Caboose out from there. Gödzh, the driver, offered to assist, and I made a Let’s Walk video right away:


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Then, after just a few minutes on the road, I saw a sign that told me there were cobras in this area:


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Wait, cobras?

Logically, when I saw a dead fox next to the road a short while later, I figured it must have been killed by…

dead fox

…a fucking cobra!

Or maybe it had dug around in this pile of discarded medicine bottles:

used up medicine?

I had no idea what exactly they were, but they sure as hell didn’t belong here:

what is this

Still, people would stop for me all the time. Like this gentleman on his motorcycle:


Or like this dad who was taking his speech-impaired son to a boarding school:

father and son

But when nobody was there, it was just the Caboose and the desert and me:


One time I passed by a little settlement not far from the road:

settlement in the Turkmen desert

I didn’t see any people there, though. Maybe because it was too hot.

When we had lunch in the shade of our car with the tarp, this family appeared and gave me water and bread:

friendly Turkmen people

Then I walked the rest of the afternoon in the heat and the dust and the pain in my feet. Sometimes I would see a truck or a motorcycle:

motorcycle on a desert road

And then, after what felt like 50k but was really only a bit more than 35k, we finally made camp, and I pitched my tent under the Milky Way again:

tent under the stars

I crawled in and stretched out as best I could. And the the doubts came. Would I ever be able to walk through Turkmenistan within the time that was left on my visa?

Probably not.

  • Matt Rosemier

    I love following your journeys.


  • 周苏晓

    Pls stop making me laughing, flipflap no flipflop to slipper, this is more than one step in the human’s civilization process, you made the history in two days, very speed up!????? Again sorry for your troubles, I sincerely hope you can make your journey through, I am waiting for your book!


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