Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

deer stand

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This post is about a 25km walk from Knjaževac to Vratarnica. The wind is a bit strong, but in the end there is a nice deer stand. I said goodbye to the people at the hotel and started walking. Both the map app and the weather app said that the day was going to be […]

a perfect tree

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This post is about a 26km walk from Svrljig to Knjaževac. I struggle with some more uphill roads, but then it gets easy. The night has been a bit better than the one before. But again everything is wet. Thick morning dew has covered the Caboose, the tent, and even the inside of the tent. […]

something to love

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This post is about a 21km walk from Malcha to Svrljig. I get a bottle of home-made slivovitz, and I struggle with an uphill road. Goddammit. I made exactly the same mistake as that time in November when I was sleeping in the village school of Samanci in Turkey. Again I figured that it would […]

out of the gate

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This post is about a 15km walk from Niš to Malcha. I hide from the rain in the Stambol Gate, then I take a dirt road through the hills. It’s a bit hard to say goodbye to Rajko and the family. His seven year old granddaughter shows one last pantomime: she puts one of her […]

how far

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This post is about a 17km walk from Niška Banja to Niš. I see a sign pointing towards Beijing, and I visit the Skull Tower and Niš Fortress. Niška Banja was centered around a large sanatorium. It had a dark, Soviet look about it. But the park around it was nice. 7425km There was a […]

boy holds flag

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This post is about a 14km walk from Ravni Do to Niška Banja. I run into two German cyclists and struggle with a long downhill road. The thunderstorm never came. At least not to where I was. I woke up in perfect silence under the roof of the house on the top of the hill. […]

a new dress, baby

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This post is about a 24km walk from Klisura to Ravni Do. I wake up in a wet field and go to bed near an abandoned mountain cabin. It takes forever to dry my things. And so I sit on my chair in the field and let the morning sun do the work for me. […]


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This post is about a walk from Pirot to Klisura. I pass the 14,000km mark of The Longest Way, and I get into a bit of rain. The clouds are Simpsons clouds. They’re hanging lazily from the sky. No: they’re sitting there, piled up on the horizon. They look like they’re not moving at all. […]

the lord has risen and I have fries

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This post is about a 27km walk from Dimitrovgrad to Pirot. I struggle to find food because it’s Easter and everything is closed. The day starts easy and warm. I stop at a gas station and ask for a sim card, but they don’t have any. Phoneless, I decide to try my luck at the […]

via militaris

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This post is about a 22km walk from Dragoman to Dimitrovgrad. I pass the border from Bulgaria into Serbia. People had warned me about the highway to the border: it was under construction, and so it was very narrow and very dusty. Also it was apparently quite busy. the good road I stayed on the […]

you should not put ketchup on pizza

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This post is about a 33km walk from Republika to Dragoman. The road is bad at first, but then it gets easy, and I run into a few cyclists. The road started out bad. It was very narrow and very busy, and I had to navigate around a lot of water left from the snow […]

the squirrel

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This is a post about an 11km walk from Sofia to Republika. I have made the decision that I want to walk through Serbia. I knew it was going to be a short walk, but I didn’t know how difficult it was going to be. Big cities were often difficult to navigate on foot, especially […]

one sixth of the people

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This post is about a 20km walk from Lozen to Sofia. I walk carefully because I am worried about my knee. But I make it to the city. And then I walked. It wasn’t anything like real walking at first. None of that stompie-stompie of before. finding it I treaded carefully, observing my knee, trying […]

the path that I chose

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This post is about a 10km walk from the Chapel Of The Virgin Mary to Lozen. I take the wrong way and end up having a difficult day. The night had been surprisingly okay. I got up and put on a pair of dry shoes from the depths of the Caboose. Then I said goodbye […]

WTF bear tracks?

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This post is about a 41km walk from Ihtiman to the Chapel Of The Virgin Mary. It is snowing heavily, and I pass a very cold village. When I went out into the parking lot my heart sank. Everything was white, and it kept coming. I zipped up my jacket, put on my gloves, my […]

that motherfucker Putin

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This post is about a 20km walk from the Gate Of Trajan to Ihtiman. Putin has just attacked Ukraine. The mountains are beautiful. I woke up and laid my stuff out to dry. Then I sat down and stared at my phone. That motherfucker Putin had started attacking Ukraine the day before. I made a […]

The Gate Of Trajan

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This post is about a 15km walk from Gorno Varshilo to the Gate Of Trajan. I feast at a highway restaurant, then I marvel at a Roman fortress. It was cold when I woke up in the ruins. And I was hungry. I didn’t have a lot to eat on me, and I was out […]

a murdered man

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This post is about a 15km walk from the Slavovitsa Winery to Gorno Varshilo. I see Aleksandar Stamboliyski’s villa and sleep in the hills. The wind had been howling and the rain had been beating all through the night. I was happy that I had found shelter in the winery. I had the whole place […]

no healing today

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This post is about a 25km walk from Pazardzhik to the Slavovitsa Winery. I want to visit a spiritual center, but no one is home. The day was grey and the weather forecast said that there was going to be rain in the afternoon. the youth I walked out of Pazardzhik, remembering a conversation from […]

good villages

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This post is about a 24km walk from Stamboliyski to Pazardzhik. I learn about martenitsi and pass through an interesting village. When I started walking I finally understood why something had felt off about this place: Stamboliyski was a town that had been cut in two. The railroad tracks went right through its center, creating […]