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This post is about a 14km walk from Ravni Do to Niška Banja. I run into two German cyclists and struggle with a long downhill road.

The thunderstorm never came. At least not to where I was. I woke up in perfect silence under the roof of the house on the top of the hill.

No, it wasn’t perfect silence. There were some sounds. I could hear the birds and the wind and the crackling of leaves. And so I sat there in the morning sun, eating some leftover bread, drinking some leftover tea, thinking that it was good.


A half hour later, on the ridge of another hill, I ran into two cyclists. Daniel and René were from Germany. Of course. We sat together for a while sharing trail mix and cookies, and we talked about Georgia and Iran.

The way down from the hill was just as steep as the way up. Leaning back against the Caboose, trying not to put too much weight on my knee, I felt a bit jealous of people on bicycles.

the priests

And then, after a few hours, I was down in the flatlands. The road became busier as it approached the city. I took a left turn and walked into a small town called Niška Banja. Actually it was more like a suburb of Niš. And it felt like a village.

It was in one of the back roads that I ran into a boy holding a Serbian flag. I said hello and he said hello. He gave me a timid smile when I took a photo of him with his smile.

I got a room in a guesthouse and asked about food. There was a restaurant close by. So I went there and ordered beans and bread and salad. A group of priests were sitting at another table, having grilled meat and beer. They were talking and laughing very loudly. When I got up to leave, one of them made the sign of the cross for me and said: “God bless you.”


the walk from Ravni Do to Niška Banja

  • Benjamin K.

    Looks like a lovely day, from the photos! maybe you can get a bycicle-break for the caboose?


  • Steffi J.

    Ich habe heute, am 1.Juli, auf findpenguin einen Reisebericht von 2 Jungs gelesen, die mit dem Rad nach Thailand wollen, und finde mittendrin eine Begegnung von ihnen mit Dir! Wie cool ist das denn! Ich hab mich sofort daran erinnert, das auch du die Jungs erwähnt hast. Gruß aus Dresden, Steffi


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