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Private: counting dough

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          Started to prepare for my return to Central Asia. And for that, I needed money. So I counted what I already had: I had some…

Disco Inferno

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…Amorphis, The Del-Vikings, Diana Ross, The Trammps, Christian Cannabich, GWAR, Pantera, Desolation, Manowar, Pablopavo i Ludziki, and Stan Ridgway. At least that’s what I can gather from my Spotify history….

sharks & coupons

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…Essen ist super). silly wuhnilly & jörg: Ihr beiden seid noch immer die witzigsten!!! Rubi: Quatsch, kennst mich doch. Kampfgranate underground Alter! Fiasco: Der Journalist von der FR war einfach…


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…die Videos sind äußerst hitverdächtig. Dafür, dass Du solche UN-Bollerwagenprobleme hattest, sind 38 km aber sehr ordentlich. Weiter so 🙂 Momo Unsere Sekretärin stand grad bei mir am Schreibtisch, als…

why you should have long hair

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          First things first: having long hair sucks, and it sucks hard. Depending on your hair’s texture, you have to use a conditioner when you shower,…


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          This post is about a 24km walk from Viehhausen to Taglaching. I walk through forests and alpine landscapes, and I have a pistachio croissant. Everything…

good news

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…is much better! Corinna Echo Lilu: freue mich für Dich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! elefant nochmal: freue mich für dich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Island Girl Fais attention à tes pieds Prends soin de toi Wanda I…

self-proclaimed doors

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…Interesting… Steven 兰州, 鞋子, 五一, 护照, 签证, …………… andy Yu Hua (dessen Buch “在细雨中呐喊” Du liest) kommt aus der Provinz Zhejiang und ist ursprünglich gelernter Zahnarzt (hat wohl auch mehrere…

Private: guess what I’m doin

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Heinz H Laundry and playing kids. Well, better than nothing at all 🙂 andy Genießen ist eine Kunst… andy …den Ernst des Alltäglichen abzuschütteln andy Enjoy! :o))) Barry Und was…

boring, good

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…Zivilisation! (10.4.) …(aber dann beizeiten auch wieder nichts wie weg!) Viele Grüße aus einem Aprilmäßigen Stuttgart (Vormittags Sonne, 19°- nachmittags Regen und kalt- so gestern und heute!) von andy! (erhol…

Private: thirty million

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…it is. Wow…. Now I’m desperately trying to get up to speed :). Keep up the great work Chris, and thank you for showing us the (mostly) friendlier side of…

go back

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…between Türkeli and Catalzeytin: Rock in the Black Sea near Türkeli: Mehmet, cutting lumber: Rain over Catalzeytin: Fries: Selfie with Mecit: In Mecit’s living-room in Catalzeytin: Safe from the rain:…

Private: bigly

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…yuge fan, I post something overly euphoric under it: I make sure to start with the word “yes” in caps (and with a nice exclamation mark: “YES!”), and then I…

kids & apples & the gift of pain

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…kev Biang,读第二声,象声词,不为中国官方认可汉字,《康熙字典》里有收录。 其读音汉语中无,乃象声词,谓用力扯面中面条击打案板之声。 参考: ********************* 所以说,这个字不是他们的独创,而算是一种有地方特色的民俗,当然啦,它是汉字。 其实说起来,中国不同的省份,都有自己的方言,相应地,就会有和方言对应的文字(当然啦,这还是汉字,但它只在当地范围内才有应用,到了其他方言统治的地区,就没人用了)。像这个Biang字,就是陕西话中才有的,其他地方的方言没有这个音,也没有这个字。比如北京、辽宁、浙江、广东、四川等地,也都有各自的方言,也有相对应的文字,尤其是广东。粤语当中有很多字只在当地才通行,也只有当地人才认识。 这些也是我的个人理解,不过我想应该没说错:)希望没有把你说糊涂…… Steven 很多在广东活里面的用字, 国语里面是完全没有的! Christoph kev & steven: 类似于他们这理论上会说“俺”, 对吧?就是一种方言。反正那个biang字还是太可怕了吧,那个有多少个笔画?? Rindy 那里面是一小碗一小碗的, 一口一碗 Christoph 那里面相当恐怖!! david lee 那两个字叫biangbiang,据说是中国汉字笔画最多的两个,还有一个顺口溜,上次导游说过,太长了不记得了,呵呵 kev “biang”字是中国笔画最多的字,达52画。 来源: 你说得对。“俺”也是方言,不过这个称呼的适用范围比较广,北到东北,南到河南、,东至山东,西至甘肃,都有人用这个字来称呼自己。不过,“俺”在农村地区用的比较多,城市里一般都说“我”。 所以说,“俺”这个字可以确定一个人的生活地区:)…

boats from scratch

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…to the sea; what could be better? Remarkable to hear of boat builders still producing vessels! sana Your photos… Wow Thank you ?? Joshua so lush, did you citrus ?…

Private: touchdown in Beijing

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…get some equipment. Things are slowly coming together. I am in Beijing. The city is out there, waiting. We are both waiting. My equipment is almost complete. I am running…

faces and the birth of man

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…in China ! Viel Spass. Vielleicht komst Du nachtstenmal nach Island ? Liebe Grusse an deine Groseltern in Itzehoe. Christoph Rindy: 人家都这么说!我很期待去看看! joerg: Du hast es erfasst. Ananda_Gua: Good morning!…

New Model Terracotta Army

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Andreas That fresco is more than epic! helsor CS <3 Christoph Andreas: Yes!! helsor: Helsor in love? 😉 Neil Sandage What a wonderful education. If only out schools didn’t think…

walking to the government

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…aha, he says, and then he tells me that this area is “for the government”, that it is forbidden, and that I must leave, leave. And so, again, I leave….

the pilgrim

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…say “and what is your honorable name, good sir?” he looked at me for a second, then he pointed at himself and said: “Musulman”. So I think he either figured…