Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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Finally a decent night spent in the outdoors. Not too warm, not too cold. Not too windy. I made this video time lapse of my morning routine: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube Note the two friendly dudes showing up for a chat. … There […]


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When I woke up, I knew I was going to have to dance. But before, I first walked a bit through the residential areas of the oil city: …often, when I’m looking at buildings like these from the outside, I can’t help but wonder what might be going on inside. Are the people in there […]

crude oil

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The wheels I had bought didn’t stand a chance out there. After investing a considerate amount of time and energy in the futile attempts to fix the damn problem ourselves (my friend Abdu and me, that is), we finally hauled the whole thing over to a bike repair shop and had him readjust the spokes: […]

my escort

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The weather was good today, and even though I still had a weird head on my shoulders, it kind of went by like a breeze: There were more cotton fields… …and lots and lots of these buildings they use to dry grapes and make them into raisins or something: Grapes… suddenly this old guy jumps […]

the light head

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I got up feeling terrible. Light-headed. Dizzy. You know, that certain distinct feeling when you’re about to catch a cold but it’s just not quite there yet? Well I didn’t want to stay in sick anywhere without a proper Internet connection, so I decided to keep moving no matter what: I passed some hideous landscapes […]

advanced formula

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My original working title for today’s post was going to be called “hell on earth”, but when I noticed the decimal five on the GPS, I thought I’d turn it into another 50k guide. You still remember the original one (50k – a beginner’s guide)? It’s been a while. Well okay guys, here we go: […]

the nothingness

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Wanna know why my friend Teacher Xie (Teacher Xie) is hauling more than 50 pounds of old metal through the desert? It’s because he can sell it once he gets to the city in a few days. … We had gotten up early and were hanging around the place chatting and having food and drink […]

the messenger

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You remember my dear Teacher Xie (Teacher Xie), right? Well, we had always been staying in touch, and a little while ago he had told me he was already on his way back from the West just now, planning to go south before it got too cold during the winter. That called for a reunion […]

where’s my spray paint?

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Of course I didn’t get a good night’s sleep tonight either. The reason: there was a mouse in my room. Mighty mouse, maker of noise, master of the plastic wrapping! – how the hell can an animal this small produce that much SOUND? At first, it seemed to be after my cookies – I woke […]

the goldmine

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When I woke up, I was feeling a lot better. I hadn’t gotten that much sleep though, and so I was very much hoping for a better rest tonight. I had heard about an old mine of some sort that lay a day’s worth of walking ahead. I was going to ask for a place […]

“nach Westen gehen?”

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I already had a perfect title for the day when I started walking this morning: I was going to call this one “into the great unknown”, because that’s what it really was: finally a walk into the real unknown. Let me explain: you might have noticed that 5 of the 6 major destinations on this […]

into the black mountains

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…riding the cake knife again: I was getting pretty weary, counting every milestone next to the road, hoping for the number to get smaller… …until finally, at “0”, I would be in a place to rest my head and take a shower once again. An agonizing countdown, really. Then suddenly two black SUV’s stopped on […]

the quiet toe

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Sometimes the highway seems just like a cake knife slicing the desert into two giant pieces. …and here I am, riding the knife, somewhere between those slices: Well not really riding, more like walking. Creeping, ever so slowly. … I had a good lunch of bread & beans: – plus there was this watermelon that […]

no lake at west lake

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What a lovely night, spent with an approximate 1 billion million mosquitos that all seemed to have just barely survived from a famine. There I was in my tent – a sirloin steak for them, a large serving of kungpao chicken, their own personal party-size pizza with everything plus extra-cheese: What a horrible night – […]

camel – filterless

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So I’m finally on my way again. The way… it was constantly changing its appearances today. After the city there was this: …then the trees went away: …and then everything else seemed to want to leave the scene as well: I was all alone – just me and the way I thought. But then the […]


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In the morning, Robozwerg‘s eyes were much better, but the bike was much worse. It seemed like it was just kind of slowly falling apart: The weather had changed for the better though – there was absolutely no wind today. So we joined in our efforts to push the Cucumber and the Caboose together: By […]

if you can’t fight it – jump on it

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Yesterday had been a disaster, but little did we know that today was going to be even worse. Robozwerg‘s eyes were a mess: a funny pink color, all swollen up, and constantly watering. The poor dude couldn’t even blink. So we figured he best take some antibiotics and apply an ointment, and then put on […]

the best of all melons

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We knew things weren’t going to be easy during the next 120k, so we had made some preparations: – 24 cans of congee 八宝粥, – 30l drinking water + 1 extra water gallon, – 2 plastic chairs, – 1 huge sun shade, – a large mat to lay down on, – lots and lots of […]

songs about sh…

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We said good-bye to the family we had been staying with: Then we got on that melted tar again: Some friendly dude and his wife stopped and gave us two melons: Isn’t that nice? … Then we started singing: I know some of you are probably not going to believe this. There are no videos, […]

turning heads

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We had spent the night in a small private home that was accustomed to taking in guests over night: Then we headed north, leaving the winding country roads and the green behind. …diving head-first into the heat and into the dust. The only thing interesting out there were some weird earth formations: I figured some […]