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little miss sandstorm

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…paar Radler oder auch zwei deutsche Reisebusse triffst 🙂 => janni isst – natürlich… Florian (Flo Li Anh) Endlich mal ein kleines Abenteuer! Nächstes Mal aber ein wenig mehr…

the fruit basket

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…Hermann große kunst ist, das faulsein, das beherrschen nur wenige… Florian (Flo Li Anh) geht das schon wieder los… andy oah nöö…! Christoph andy: … Florian (Flo Li Anh): Was…

master of the wind

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…when you quit the first time that you’d never go back.Really a great accomplishment. Neil Sandage For when you resume walking. Vibram Five Finger Shoes: teng lei 哥们看好你加油! 走遍全中国!…

Mary’s eternal lotus pond

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白昕 雷克: 有些人能清楚听见自己心灵最深处的声音,并按照这个声音生活,这样的人,不是疯了,就是成为了传奇。 你,雷克,就是在铸就你的传奇,支持你,雷克. 如果时间合适,明年秋天,我会和我的马队到新疆迎接你的到来,并与你同行. libo come on! 路上一切还顺利吧,,冬天出发比较消耗能量,多多补充啊!我们也刚从保定采风回来,可惜没有去到你去的地方。保定是一个旅游资源丰富的城市,值得多拍拍!一个人的旅行一定要多加小心,相信一路上会有很多朋友陪伴你帮助你的,呵呵,good luck! Christoph 白昕:记得给我看你拍的照片,新疆见!! libo: 对啊,你们怎么来保定也不告诉我一声?伤心!呵呵,下次有机会,你们带来一些好玩的摄影师吧,我们就一起采风! 眼睛 古建筑屋脊上,置放瓦质或陶质的兽形装饰,叫脊兽。 中国古建大都为土木结构,屋脊是由木材上覆盖瓦片构成的。檐角最前端的瓦片因处于最前沿的位置,要承受上端整条垂脊的瓦片向下的一个“推力”;同时,如毫无保护措施也易被大风吹落。因此,人们用瓦钉来固定住檐角最前端的瓦片,在对钉帽的美化过程中逐渐形成了各种动物形象,在实用功能之外进一步被赋予了装饰和标示等级的作用。除宫殿庙宇外民宅不得安兽。有功名的,由皇帝特批敕建。安兽之脊叫作“仪脊”,以示殊荣。 唐宋时,还只有一枚兽头,以后逐渐增加了数目不等的蹲兽,到了清代形成了今天常见的“仙人骑凤”领头的小动物队列形态。在小仙人之后,坐姿排列着一队小动物,根据建筑规模和等级不同而数目有所不同,多为一、三、五、七、九等单数。北京故宫的太和殿用到了十个,除了象征着皇权的至高无上外,大概也意味着只有皇帝才配享受到“十全十美”的待遇。在不同的建筑物上小动物的数目不等,用九个来举例,它们依次是:鸱吻(龙的九子之一)、凤、狮子、天马、海马、狻猊、押鱼、獬豸、斗牛。故宫太和殿在最后增加了一个行什。数目越多,表示级别越高。拿故宫来说,太和殿用了十个,天下无二;皇帝居住和处理日常政务的乾清宫,地位仅次于太和殿,用九个;坤宁宫原是皇后的寝宫,用七个;妃嫔居住的东西六宫,用五个;某些配殿,用三个甚至一个。 这些小兽代表的意义分别为: 1、鸱吻,喜欢四处眺望,因此在檐角的前面。 2、凤,象征尊贵、有圣德之人。据《史记•日者列传》:“凤凰不与燕雀为群。”凤是吉瑞的象征,亦是皇后的代称。 3、狮子,代表勇猛、威严。《传灯录》记载:“狮子吼云:‘天上天下,唯我独尊’。狮子作吼,群兽慑伏。” 4、天马、海马,象征着威德通天入海,畅达四方。 5、狻猊,古书记载是与狮子同类的猛兽,也有说为龙的九子之一。传说能食虎豹,有率从百兽之意。 6、狎鱼,是海中异兽,传说和狻猊都是兴云作雨、灭火防灾的神。 7、獬豸,古代传说中的猛兽,与狮子类同。《异物志》中说“东北荒中有兽,名獬豸”。传说能辨别是非曲直,独角,又有神羊之称,是勇猛、公正的象征。 8、斗牛,传说中是一种虬龙,据《宸垣识略》载:“西内海子中有斗牛……遇阴雨作云雾,常蜿蜒道路旁及金鳌玉栋坊之上。”传说是一种兴云作雨、镇火防灾的吉祥物。 9、行什,一种带翅膀猴面孔的人像。 Christoph 哦,好长的文章!…

first and second circle

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…side looked very serious. “Come back tomorrow!” he told us after looking at my passport, “but don’t come back here, go to another place!” He told us the name of…

gangsta hijabi

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…theories, please get off my blog. I don’t want you here. Go read some literature. Try Umberto Eco’s “Foucault’s Pendulum” if you’re not already beyond saving. Just don’t talk to…


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Neil Sandage Lokalmatadore – Wenn ein Mensch Lebt ~ Someone put together this interesting video. In in a Previous post I mentioned solid tires. But I notice you…

tea of Gilan

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…English is perfect as well as Chinese. Christoph Rehage Thanks Daniel! Johnny Chen The sugar you added in the red tea called “NABOT” is called “冰糖” in China. Johnny…

achromatic – again

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…can’t change the feeling of lonely. Christoph I would rather be lonely in the sun than lonely under a cover of snow. monica chen “卐”是上古时代许多部落的一种符咒,在古代印度、波斯、希腊、埃及、特洛伊等国的历史上均有出现,后来被古代的一些宗教所沿用。最初人们把它看成是太阳或火的象征,以后普遍被作为吉祥的标志。 随着古代印度佛教的传播,“卍”字也传入中国。这个字梵文读“室利踞蹉洛刹那”,意思是“吉祥海云相”,也就是呈现在大海云天之间的吉祥象征。它被画在佛 祖如来的胸部,被佛教徒认为是“瑞相”,能涌出宝光,“其光晃昱,有千百色”。中国佛教对“卍”字的翻译也不尽一致,北魏时期的一部经书把它译成“万”字,唐代玄奘等人将它译成“德”字,强调佛的功德无量,唐代女皇帝武则天又把它定为“万”字,意思是集天下一切吉祥功德。 “卍”字有两种写法,一种是右旋,—种是左旋(“卐”)。佛家大多认 为应以右旋为准,因为佛教以右旋为吉祥,佛家举行各种佛教仪式都是右旋 进行的。这个被佛教徒视为吉祥和功德的具有神秘色彩的符号,竟被德国…

the commander

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…year old, he lives in Lala, his name means “commander”, and today he has decided that it’s time to go on a walk with me and the Caboose. It’s a…

idols coming to town

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…on a street corner. I walk up, they notice me. boy 1: “Look there! 看那边!” boy 2 : “A foreigner 老外!” boy 3 : “Fuck! 我肏!” me: “Hey you, what…

cool mountaineers

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…receptionist smiled at me, “did you see the dancing dragon, I heard they have a dancing lion there too!” “No, but the mountain was nice.” I answered. Bed-bed-bed-bed-bed-bed, I thought….

Private: “I’d be in real trouble if you ever used them.”

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…want. I don’t know if all of this made any sense at all. Anyway, maybe my shirt will make more sense: “You’re no match for my brains, you poor fool.”…

WTF snow?!

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…saw this: Snow: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy. Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube What the fuck, I thought, it’s not even November yet!…

a white dress with flowers

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Alessio Good luck with your visa! Do you know why they are rejecting it every time? Jens Claudia, not Laura 😉 Christoph Rehage haha, wird geändert!…

Private: teen hamster pet

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…nem Teil. Charlene awww, this is so sweet! Christoph Barry aka Ba Lli: Ha! Charlene: I think so too. Barry aka Ba Lli: Lad mal hoch, will ich seh’n ;o)…


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…the road rather than tidying up the yard here. Ben if you need another goal 😀 I’ll walk a bit with you around Wellington. Alessio Amazing achievement! Congratulations! Stefan…

the grudge

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…in his most bad-ass dialect: guy: “Whatchu comm e fo?” me: “What I came here for? I’m traveling through here!” guy: “Travln, eh? Spenn lotsa mone?” me: “What? No, I’m…

my own truth

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…Ba Lli: Da gibt’s nur eins – selber gehen. claudia: Ja, komisch ne? Hermann: “beängstigend” ?? Gisela: Wir haben einfach Lust auf Rumhängen. andy: Genau, danke! 兔子不吃窩邊草 in NY: 呵呵,就跟以前一样啊,逃课啊,偷懒啊,在家里呆着看电视啊。。。…

eeny, meeny, miny, moe

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…term ‘niubi’ is just an adjective. well of course you already realize that. then again, why ? Christoph Orange: Hey, thanks for your comment. The fact that I don’t dare…