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Private: three dreams

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…solche Problemchen wohl nur schwer nachvollziehen können was? 😉 weidi: 谢谢! Corinna: Hab gar keine gegessen! Barry aka Ba Lli: Hmm… Steven: Music video?? Florian (Flo Li Anh, 開花): Weiß…

camel – filterless

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…after it!” Cool! One last question: “does that often happen? Do they like to run?” “Yes, every once in a while they do,” he says, and there is a smile…

oversized intruder

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…part of China). I’m actually Chinese from the Philippines. Good luck on your travels. I hope you get home safe. 一路平安 Christoph 这当然不是新疆,而是山西。 等我再走什么3000公里我才能到新疆了! 很期待! 田苗 你好,雷克! 我是你在新绛龙兴踏上遇到的那对情侣中的男孩,当时在龙兴塔顶我们还合影了。那张照片还在吗?呵呵 那时我们第一次约会。值得纪念!可以把那张照片发到我邮箱吗?我的邮箱 非常感谢!呵呵…

Private: tons of cheese

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Violet what? i’m swiss and we eat that quite often.. 🙂 i didn’t know this was just a tourist thing.. :p i guess i’m a tourist then too 🙂 great…

the absence of light

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          I woke up in a hotel that was small and dirty. There was a slightly stupid-looking cat greeting me outside of my door: Everyone else…

bad news

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Corinna Ohren steif halten!!!! und positiv denken: wenn Sie die Linse reparieren können ist`s doch gut. Also, nicht unterkriegen lassen, Fahne hoch halten, weitermachen … 😉 Ausserdem sieht es so…

songs about sh…

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…谢老师 for yourself! 🙂 Barry aka Ba Lli: Grastester… Martin: Ja, das hat er nett gesagt. Momo: Kein Essig dabei. victor: 帅?呵呵,其实比较臭! jule: Immer gut gelaunt! 🙂 Becci: Gegenoffensive! andy:…

pride comes before the-

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forward into the mud. Here’s the thing, though: during the time that I was falling, I was acutely aware of the Caboose behind me, with all her (unknown) weight. Would…


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          This post is about a blackout at an internet café in Yuci. I decided to sit and wait until the power comes back. Nothing happened…

camel #4

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Anand-Gua Now,it is 23:40.Today.I got up at 7:35,and finished my breakfast at 8:30.I always keep writing ,and I am going to write until 1:00.There is no music,and I have no…

Private: come for the visa, stay for the…

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…done for me? Stephane Hi, hi. A moi aussi il est arrivé de commander trop de sushis. Ça arrive quand la carte est mal expliquée: un ‘roll’, c’est un morceau,…

please tell me it used to be all blue!

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max that lamb… should actually be a goat! i just realised that the english term for baby goat is “kid”, plural “kids”, which is nice, right? like german “Kitz” and…

The Longest Meal

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          Today I learned that this was in fact not Hassan’s place, but that of Mahdi, his son-in-law. How did I find out about this? Well,…

the Austrian

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…I think she’s happy… Christoph Rehage She is, Mani. She is. 🙂 Ed You are meeting so many interesting and special people along your journey…with openness and friendship! Christoph Rehage…


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          I’m still not well. Always a bit dizzy. Maybe I should have stayed in bed yesterday. Well, I didn’t. This is the drum tower in…

one who rents

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…have spine issues bubble up with this cold autumn Humbling to go from Type A/Can-Do to rest, ice, PT Repeat Leo – 润 Hey 老雷,看了不少你的视频,最近才补你的最遥远的路(看到甘肃了),今天才看到你的网页,这下回答了我的疑问,你为啥老是躺着做视频。 祝早日康复 Leo – 润 Hey,…

so magnicifent

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…The road to walk from Büyükcekmece to Kumburgaz: Car window: Pedestrian crossing: A building that wasn’t ugly: Roadside doggo: The golden light: Sunset near Kumburgaz: Pink sunset: Little Uzbek dudes:…

Private: Angry Mel Gibson

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…I asked them when they thought we would be done, and they said “maybe in an hour”. I told them about my yoga class. “Sure,” they said, “you can go…

world meet chair

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…least it’s not as limiting as covid lockdowns, and you seem at a good place. 😉 Also as a long-time Tool-head, here’s an advice – their last albums might not…

Private: remember me?

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          This is a post about a bus ride from Tbilisi to Sinop. Well, actually, it was two bus rides. And they took 20 hours. My…