world meet chair

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First one month turned into two, then three months turned into four. And then there was the day when I woke up and realized that I’d been in Budapest for half a year.

Six fucking months of The Longest Way, spent here in Pest on the Danube.

So what the hell have I been doing?

6 months in Budapest

I cooked stew, lots and lots of stew. I tried listening to Tool, but I failed. Their song “Culling Voices” was good, though. Obviously not as good as “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys – which I ended up singing in a karaoke bar one night in November – but still good.

I made two vodka testing videos, one about Stolichnaya vs Stoli:


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And one about Eden vs. Chopin Potato vs. Opera:


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It was fun.

I also visited my grandma a few times. I read a few books, and I worked on thousands upon thousands of my photos.

physical feats

The thing I did most was physical therapy, though. Anna, my physical therapist, has been very patient and supportive. And even though I am not 100% there, yet, I have seen some improvements: at one point in November I regained the ability to lift my left big toe, and I also learned to walk on my heels again. Not that I typically needed to walk on my heels. But it was a nice skill to have.

camping chair in Budapest

My family has been very supportive throughout all of this. They got me a camping chair with lumbar support, so that I may sit and rest on the way without screwing up my back.

It’s a ridiculously huge chair, and I think it will be rather complicated to take it along.

I like it a lot.


a camping chair in Budapest:

  • B B

    Time has flown.


  • Robert Simpson

    nice to see your update…wondering what you are up to. I enjoyed that City very much. Glad you are getting better Christoph.
    we still have snow here in upstate NY, but the geese are back and heading north.


  • Hristo

    Damn, long time no see. I was hoping you’re as good as a chicken spring by now, but as I’m nursing a brachial plexus injury for several months now – these things take a ton of time to heal/manage properly.

    Hey, I hope at least it’s not as limiting as covid lockdowns, and you seem at a good place. 😉

    Also as a long-time Tool-head, here’s an advice – their last albums might not be a good start for a newcomer. E.g. for a 90s metalhead, Undertow and Aenima were a great and punchy intro for me, and I warmed up to the rest gradually, evolving with the sound as the band did with time.


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