Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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It was a long yet easily winding road: We were able to fill up on cold beverages in little places along the way: Since we were hauling too many water melons and one of them was just about to go bad, we decided to drop it right there: By loading the video, you agree to […]

five wheels better than no wheel

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We tied the Caboose and the Cucumber together and put our straw hats on: Then we got on our way: Robozwerg was riding, I was walking along. The whole Cucumber-Caboose construction wasn’t as easy as we had figured, but we managed to keep it moving: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn […]

a natural fool

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We broke camp and started our last walking day together: …another day through the extensive Long 陇, the province of Gansu Gansu): We rested in the shade of a gas station along the way, and both of us fell asleep while the dude who was working there kept a watching eye over us: Then we […]

ah, grandeur!

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I’ve had some problems with my Internet connection during the past few days, so I’ve only been able to update the Google Earth file with the track log. So here’s the blog version, four days later. Today’s summary: some of the most stunning landscapes I’ve ever laid eyes on. I think it had to do […]

overlooked & unexpected

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The desert was so beautiful when we woke up and started walking: I’ve never pretended to be a big camper. Sleeping outside in a wobbly tent with the wind going and the rain making its drip-dropping sounds on top of everything isn’t the best way to get a good night’s rest for me. But still, […]

if we’re going into the same direction at the same time, why don’t we just go together?

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Today I crossed paths with my old self. …I had walked a day’s worth of the Great Wall west of the city back in the summer of 2006, and now there I was again: Only this time I was going in a different direction – heading west into the grand spaces of Central Asia: People […]


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I had just found out the Olympic Torch Relay was scheduled to pass through Jiayuguan on July 6th. That was…tomorrow!! So I had to be quick! …I rushed past the wonders of suburban construction: I swept past the gorgeous mountain scenery: There was a piece of the Great Wall somewhere in the eastern part of […]


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I am 26 years old, and I’m scared of bees. Anything with yellow stripes: bees, wasps, hornets. – “There are killer bees that hunt down people in Africa/South America!” – “Seven hornets can kill a horse!” People also used to tell us kids that being stung in the tongue would very likely result in the […]

the NYHC special move

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I took a little detour and walked through the fields, because there were so many pretty sunflowers: Some were just waiting to blossom: I thought it was very beautiful. But then my poor Caboose tipped over and I had to do some repair work: Me, the man with two left hands, repairing my Caboose, ha! […]

little miss sandstorm

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I woke up and I noticed there was this banner facing my hotel: “Wishing good luck and success to the 2008 Olympic Paris-Beijing cycle tour!” – in Chinese. Okay, this was China after all, so Mandarin was obviously the language of choice. But just how many of the European cyclists would be able to understand […]

please stop me when I get into a frenzy

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Since I was recently feeling somewhat invincible with my newly acquired Caboose, I chose to take my time in the morning and got up for a late and comfortable start. …that’s when I ran into Carlotta from Italy and her Dutch friends Marc and Jan: The three belonged to yesterday’s group of cyclists who were […]


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When I got up, I wasn’t sure whether I would get to the 3000km marker today. …well eventually I did, so I had to name this post “3-0-0-0”, but if it hadn’t been for that, I could have chosen from these three working titles: 1) “the Chinese dream” 2) “Aaah, it’s a foreign invasion!!” 3) […]

twenty years

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Well, it wasn’t exactly pouring cats and dogs out there when I started walking this morning, but it kept drizzling down on me: …always a bit sideways from the front – it was so disgusting. Then there was the fact that I just couldn’t seem to get used to this new kind of walking yet. […]

Paul says: constipation is bliss

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I have this friend I was going to tell you about: I can’t reveal his name though. So let’s just call him Paul. Paul is also walking through China, and today he arrived at a park in Linze 临泽: It was the Western Army Memorial Park 中国红西路军烈土陵园: Just as Paul was walking through all the […]


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I had bought 6 large water bottles, a considerable amount of butter cookies and a massive water melon, and stuffed it all into the big white box, along with my backpack and a basic repair kit. Then we finally made it out of town, the Caboose and I: You’ve probably guessed it: walking without all […]

speech after speech

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I had spent the night at Mr. Lian’s 连先生 place. Mr. Lian owns a little shop next to the road, and he’s also head of the little settlement of Taipingpu: Nobody had told me about that the night before though, and I realized it only in the morning when I got up and Mr. Lian […]

Teacher Xie

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I once used to have a teacher whose last name was Xie 谢. He held class on Thursdays, and we called him Teacher Xie 谢老师. Teacher Xie, though a gifted cinematographer and a household name in the Beijing advertisement industry, seemed like a very angry young man. His favorite words during class were “Fuck! 我肏!” […]

oh thy dreadful burrows!

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How I loathed the day! After I had started walking just to get warm in the morning, all the pretty landscapes kept guttering by in a thick and pasty stream… …I felt tired and ill… Would you like to know a dirty little secret? In spite of all the countryside that has been generously laid […]

why can’t frogs learn from ducks?

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I got up late and started walking through the fields and the little villages with the colorful propaganda murals on the walls: “love your fatherland, love the people, love work, love science, and love socialism 爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学,爱社会主义” It seemed very complete, and very ultimate. … I was on my way to Dafo Temple 大佛寺, the home […]

the dragon

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I didn’t know I would have to walk that much today. “Keep going for another 20k” they had said, “you will find a small settlement with hotels and restaurants there!” So I walked past the mules… …past the bushes… …past the violet flowers… …walked 20k until I was there – and I was surprised: Everything […]