five wheels better than no wheel

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We tied the Caboose and the Cucumber together and put our straw hats on:

Cucumber and Caboose

Then we got on our way:


Robozwerg was riding, I was walking along.

The whole Cucumber-Caboose construction wasn’t as easy as we had figured, but we managed to keep it moving:

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Somehow, we were on a very green and very winding road:

Sunflower Chris

It didn’t feel like we were walking through the Gobi desert at all:

My brother Ruben joined me for a few weeks

Once there was this lady who told us to walk in a certain direction. You can see on the map we followed the road for about 30 minutes until we finally realized that we were going the wrong way:


It was a dead-end street, so we had to turn back.

Grinding our teeth.

The rest of the way went relatively easy.

We passed some weird looking plants:


There was the occasional shepherd with his flock:


And sometimes the road even looked a bit like home:

trees and road

Then there were clouds:


And the sky turned into all kinds of weird colors:

evening light

We found shelter at a hospital just before the clouds opened up and released their tears upon the land:


Then we got on our way again…


…until late at night…

Robo at night

…when everything was already asleep, and the little village of Shulehe finally appeared in the distance:

Shulehe in the distance

All in all, today was a fair first walking day. There had been some collateral damage (several cable ties had gone MIA in our futile efforts to macgyver a steady connection between the Caboose and the Cucumber), and we were tired as hell.

But besides that, two beds to lay down on and a hot meal made for a good ending of our day.

Robozwerg says:

“Fact is: things are very often not as easy as you would imagine. Watching MacGyver gave us the impression that constructing a Cucumber-Caboose-thing that works for the rest of the trip wouldn’t be a problem.

But we are definitely no real macs.

Sometimes the caboose just fell off.

Or turning right or left just didn’t work because our vehicle wouldn’t follow.

Or the Caboose kept colliding with the wheels of the Cucumber.

But I can assure you:

no matter what, five wheels are better than no wheel in the Gobi desert!”

  • Momo

    Schon bei Werner hat ein Stück Schweißdraht zum Drumtüddeln wunder gewirkt. Das Problem mit Kabelbindern is halt, dass die Dinger letztendlich nur aus Plastik bestehen. Aber macht euch mal keinen Kopp, solange euch die Dinger nich mitten in der Wüste ausgehen, is eigentlich alles in Butter. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Schön, dass ihr jetzt beide unterwegs seid.


  • Gisela

    Viel Spass euch beiden.


  • Guojie

    finally, you are on road again!


  • Hermann

    nuja, ich hätte das gras ja mal probiert, aber ihr seid wohl nichtsraucher, wie?


  • Becci

    ha, hermann und ich können uns zusammen tun ๐Ÿ™‚ ich hätts ausprobiert….schlimmer als die nuss kanns nich sein! ihr wisst ja was gemeint ist…
    ich hoffe euch beiden fleifen gehts gut, lasst es euch gut gehen! bin jetzt fertig mit klausuren, morgen fahr ich nach hause zu puck und flitz. wär lieber bei euch. das wär ein spaß ๐Ÿ™‚


  • andy

    Ja, Becci & Hermann haben recht…ich wünsche Euch, dass ihr schnell Euren Rhythmus findet und 1000 tolle Abenteuer!
    Dein Sonnenblumen bild und Bild Nr.10 sind der Hit heute.
    Mach Dir mal den Spaß und stelle das Bild vom 9.November letzten Jahres neben das heutige Sonnenblumenbild von Dir-> geil!
    Und haste mal (während der ganzen Detailsuche nach dem rechten Weg) so'n "Grobblick" China-Deutschland auf der Karte gemacht???->->-> Du bist echt gut unterwegs Alter!, take it easy & enjoy!


  • Christoph

    Momo: Kabelbinder 4eva!
    Gisela: Danke!
    Guojie: There will always be breaks.
    Hermann: Nö.
    Becci: Wir vermissen dich auch!
    andy: Ja, man kann es langsam auf der Karte sehen.


  • Joshua

    GanJah tears


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