Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻


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Someone had lost his pig: Can’t see? Take a closer look: Eagle-eye Chris never lets a dead pig go unnoticed! … I was so happy I would finally make it to the city today: – new shoes! – chocolate! – a shower! – broadband! – a laundry! … The road was long and winding though: […]


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I had spent the night in a trucker motel right next to the highway: …and when I woke up, I could see what was on the “window blinds” in my room: “Let’s take a look at how foreigners raise dogs. 看看老外怎么养狗。” The author focused mainly on the USA, and seemed fascinated by all the different […]

self-proclaimed doors

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I woke up early, then finished yesterday’s post and went out to have a good serving of dumplings: Today’s post is mainly about doors: (You can guess that nothing really exciting happened to me today, otherwise I wouldn’t have to escape into the realms of obscure art right now!) Well, I had been thinking about […]


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You’ve seen it before on other pictures (things falling apart): Here in China, there’s much writing on the wall. This particular one reads: “daughters also carry on the family line. 女儿也是传后人。” – advising potential parents that a daughter will continue the family lineage just as well as a son. The problem: according to Confucian tradition, […]

to each his own

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Today was a bit too much for me: – the distance. – the “repaired” shoe (inner linings, children of the valley – oh, how I regret it!) – the inclining road (babies walk on roads inclined) – my cold. Damn. Well, I could have slept off the cold for another two days. And I tried […]

another walk in the park

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I’ve said it before: sometimes being bored in a nice way can be quite pleasant. Today was just that. … With my cold still in effect but noticeably getting better, I slowly waltzed out of this place today: You can see on the map how the road kind of winds around a mountain: There are […]


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I am so slow, I got overtaken today. Again, the sky cleared up and revealed the breathtaking beauty of the world: There weren’t that many places to resupply on food and drink, but I found some people with a large cool-box somewhere (about an hour before I got overtaken): Then, right before it happened, there […]

east west north or south

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Like I said before, there was a pair of donkeys in the yard of the farmhouse I was staying at: And there was this little pig: You might remember I’ve always had a thing for goofy-looking animals (sheepolution, camel #4). Lots of fun with this adorable one: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s […]

all the good under the clouds

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Cloudy weather isn’t necessarily pretty, but it’s good to get work done: The same goes for walking: clouds = good. I noticed so many donkeys everywhere: Dear four-legged friends: some might say that horses are more stylish than you (with your long ears), but I still like you best! … I walked past a small […]

what is walking?

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I finally left Jingning behind: Before, I had to fill up on water and soft drinks in a small shop, and it was there that I found something to share with you: I have a standard answer when little Chinese kids get big eyes and say: “So tall! 好高啊!” It goes: “Drink milk! 喝牛奶!” Cuz […]


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This is me after precisely two thousand kilometers: More hair (1-0-0-0). And another reason to get down: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube This time unfortunately, I wasn’t able to convince anyone to join me on the dancefloor. Anyway the old guy in the back […]

lost causes

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There have been times on this trip when my behind was flaming with cold (the happy and the burning red, Christoph in hell) – but now as I’m sitting here, I have heat under my butt and a running nose. What happened? Well, before it came to this, I had to get out of Longde: […]


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Waking up that morning in the tent was horrible: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube I decided to go back to sleep and wait for the rain to stop. After a while a group of farmers appeared: They gave me some bread to chew on […]

can danger be a middle name?

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I’m not much of an Alpinist. That being said, I didn’t really like the large mountain range that lay ahead on the map… But hey, what you gonna do? Like before, the answer was: Walk: …through little settlements to stock up on supplies: …through the slopes that spiral up and down the mountain side: …breathe […]


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There’s a small mausoleum near Anguo: The main building holds the body of a Muslim missionary who had lived in this area about 800 years ago: Interesting. One thing that the caretaker said later over a cup of tea made me think though: he said when the mob was destroying the mausoleum back then, it […]

the clouds in the air and the nights down here

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Finally, I got back on old highway 312 today: I had figured that with seven days of rest in Pingliang, my feet would have healed up perfectly, and walking would go like a charm. Well – I was wrong. I come to think fixing the shoes might have been a mistake. It hurts more than […]


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“Angus” – That’s what I was going to call this one. I went sightseeing at the Mosque fairly early that day: What a nice building: This was erected in the 1990s solely through the efforts of the community – just like the church I had visited two weeks ago (watch my back, Lord). Too bad […]

babies walk on roads inclined

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It’s not the shoes, it’s the road: Looks like a nice strip of concrete, doesn’t it? Well, here’s the thing: it seems as though all roads in this part of the country are inclined towards both left and right. This is obviously some sort of intelligent design to help with the drainage of rain water […]

leaders of the valley

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First of all, here’s my shoe after the repair (1 good thing, 4 nice people, 1 bad thing and a possible solution to a problem): Walking feels a bit weird now, but I guess I’ll get used to that. Let’s just hope the glue and the stitches will last. … As you can see on […]

inner linings

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I walked such a short distance today! Basically just a stretch of clean road… …had me limping into the center of Jingchuan: Limping? Limping: I know these blisters don’t look so bad, and the one on top is really nothing – but believe me, the bottom one hurts like a bitch! Here’s why: Guess I […]