Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

look down look up

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I wasn’t going to walk very far today. At least that was the general idea when I set out: The road was quiet and nice: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube …until I had to switch back to the freeway: I didn’t like walking in […]

look closer

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Sometimes we have to look a bit closer in order to find what we’ve been looking for: (Note that it says “hotel 旅社” in the window over the door.) I left the shop/hotel in the morning, even though the owners were urging me to stay. They knew walking wasn’t very easy for me, since I […]

Eiffel Tower bridge

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If you will, please take a look at the map above: see the knot in the long red line? … I said good-bye to Lake Sayram early in the morning, when only the birds and the dogs were awake: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube Then […]


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Said good-bye to the Mongols and to Whitey. Left the yurt. Started walking along the lake: Two truck drivers stopped and gave me tomatoes: Made a video of myself saying things: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube But most of this blabla wasn’t even the […]

café latte

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When I left Sitai, the people there had already told me that the way ahead was going to be much harder than the day before. I waved good-bye and got on my way: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube …ran into two Uyghurs: …climbed the […]

friend with wings

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I woke up at night only to jot down some lines into my little notebook: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube When I left, the settlement was still asleep: The little shops and eating places lay quietly against the backdrop of the Gobi desert and […]


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At about 9 in the morning, I was back on the map: I had a banana for breakfast, and I had it peeled from the top: Like a monkey! There was cotton everywhere: Then Xiao Huiru 肖慧如 showed up: She offered me grapes, and while we were talking and walking, I found out that she […]


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A perfect night: quiet, peaceful, relaxing. I woke up to a breakfast of cantaloup melon and a dish of noodles. Then the owner’s little nephew and I took a bunch of action photos: Mainly he posed, and I took the pictures: The sky was blue, there was laughter in the air. I was happy. Then […]

a friend coming in from afar…

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When I woke up, even the bugs were still asleep: I passed a structure that somehow resembled the Great Wall: Then I was on the long, straight road to the city of Jinghe: There were green fields left and right, and I was happy: Jinghe is a rather large settlement with a capita of 120.000. […]

pimp my truck

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I eventually had to leave the little village: Ran into two bikers on the way: They were going home to their native town of Jinghe, a rather big settlement about 65 kilometers from here. I was very much looking forward to that place – clean sheets, Internet, food en masse… But before that, there was […]


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I woke up to a good sky: Some clouds with a bit of sun, not too warm yet, but not too cold either. The mountains were still there in the distance: There was no road except the freeway to walk on: When it got hot around noon, I found an underpass and climbed down under […]

secrets from the road

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Lei Sheng and I left the hotel in Kuytun early in the morning: It seemed as though everything and everyone was still asleep. That’s exactly how we wanted it. Lei Sheng loaded the Caboose in his truck and took us to Usu. It was the place where I had tearfully parted with her last. The […]

police and thieves

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I wasn’t going to walk today. I wanted to take it easy and rest up in my hotel room. But first, I had to take care of my visa extension. So I went outside: “You can apply for a visa extension in every city 市” I had been told in the police office of Ürümqi […]

miniature skyline

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When I woke up I realized that I was alone again – Zhu Hui had taken the last train home to Shihezi the night before, because he had class today. I didn’t envy him for having to do martial arts exercises after yesterday’s rampage. Anyhow, I had a tiny bit of suffering ahead of me […]

godlike rampage

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Who would have thought that this was going to happen during this year’s little summer vacation? (If you have no idea what I am talking about, please refer to the beginner’s guide and the advanced formula.) … Well, today I found out about yet another way to walk 50 kilometers in one day: take a […]

out with Huihui

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Zhu Hui was obviously not going to miss out on another chance to see me suffer a little bit, so in the morning he came to my hotel and we started slowly rolling out of town. Little did he know that he would be sharing my foot pains sooner than expected! … The first bit […]

green dots on photographs, taken from low earth orbit

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Luckily for my feet, I didn’t have much distance left to Shihezi, the next important destination on my long red line. My good friend Zhu Hui (poor dogs and lucky dogs) lives there, so today he rode his bike over here and brought his 12-year old Taekwondo student Zong Zheng 宗正 along: They were going […]

the good lunch

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I got up at six and started walking a half hour later, when our part of the world was still completely covered in darkness: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube People were just getting up and starting their day: And there seemed to be less […]

sleeping with melons

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Bad health or not, it felt good to be out on the road again. The earth was beaming with sunlight: And I had my moon cake: Yummy!! I was about to take a shortcut at some point, but these friendly Uighur folks came running across the street to warn me that I was going in […]

he is I and I am him

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I got up in the early morning hours and started walking. It felt nice, because the air was fresh and there were not many cars around on the country road: I passed some parts that looked like a strange planet: And some structures… …that seemed like they were from a different time and age: I […]