out with Huihui
Zhu Hui was obviously not going to miss out on another chance to see me suffer a little bit, so in the morning he came to my hotel and we started slowly rolling out of town.
Little did he know that he would be sharing my foot pains sooner than expected!
The first bit of the road wasn’t very picturesque:
But then it got better:
Zhu Hui immediately fell in love with the Caboose and insisted on pulling her almost all the way:
At one point we ran into this dude who was selling pantao 蟠桃 – flat peaches – on the roadside:
His daughter was in Zhu Hui’s school, so we immediately got our own flat peaches for free:
The farmers were laying all kinds of stuff out to dry. Mostly corn though:
Lots and LOTS of corn:
We didn’t try any of it. Instead, we had lunch in a roadside restaurant where the owner filled our plates with massive amounts of noodles. In fact we ate so much food that when the next customer came in, the owner only shook his head and told him he was out of dough for the time being!
When we got to Shawan in the evening, the sky was just about ready to look dramatic:
Zhu Hui sat down on his bed in our hotel room, legs crossed, and showed me how to pour a real Tieguanyin 铁观音 (Tea of the Bodhisattva). Traditional Chinese music was playing on his cellphone.
We had apples, nang and yoghurts, but we didn’t need any of it.
We were still full of noodles.
I love noodles. And I love reding the longest way.
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Andreas: Glad you like it dude.
Masaki Ling
Golden corn rode~