Eiffel Tower bridge

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If you will, please take a look at the map above: see the knot in the long red line?

I said good-bye to Lake Sayram early in the morning, when only the birds and the dogs were awake:


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Then I entered the first tunnel:

bridge near Lake Sayram

During the last 5000 kilometers, there have been tunnels before that I liked, and others that I didn’t like. This one was of the first kind:


The Caboose didn’t fit on the curb, so I had to walk on the road itself, which rather sucked.

But I was early, and there were not many cars around just yet.

People had been telling me about a huge bridge ahead. It was called Guozigou Bridge 果子沟大桥 (meaning “Fruit Valley Bridge”):

road sign

And here’s how I reached it:


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At the end of the video, you can probably hear my surprise. The people had been right – this bridge was massive:

Fruit Valley Bridge

I walked around on top of it:

on the bridge

Took a video of the Caboose doing her thing:


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And a video of myself bla-ing into the camera:


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Remember the knot in the red line? It is just here. Standing on top of the bridge, I could see the way that I would have to take:

road from above

But first, there was another tunnel:


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[Note the twisted look of my right shoe? This was probably not the best fit for my feet to start with, and I honestly hated walking downhill in these shoes. It was just painful.]

After the tunnel, the road made a wide turn and took me back down from under the bridge:

bridge from below

And it was just mountains left and right:


Trees and waterfalls:

running water

And paper models of policemen:


About halfway down I ran into a cyclist from Spain, I think Victor was his name:

with Victor

He had the legs of an Olympian and the heart of an optimist. It was all about happy smiles with him.

Then the landscapes slowly changed:

weird clouds

Until they looked barren again:

creek and tree

I saw yurts that looked Mongolian next to log cabins that looked Russian:


There was a stream that was completely red:

red river

I thought it was a bit creepy:


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But apparently plants could live next to it:

red river valley

And horses could drink from it:


All this time, I wasn’t as alone as I might have thought I would be.

These guys (2 Uyghurs, 2 Han-Chinese) stopped for a chat and a picture:

dudes who stopped their car

There were herders driving their sheep down the freeway:


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There were people in huts next to the road…

honey vendors

…selling wild honey:


There was a family who operated a restaurant where I had eaten a few days ago:

This family of hotel owners found me a few days after I had stayed at their place and said hello on August 27th, 2012

And then the mountains turned into hills…


I passed a final toll gate and entered a village:

toll station

Sat down with these guys and had two bottles of cold water:

dudes and cold water

And then I found a small shop that rented out back rooms.

I had walked almost 40k, all of which was downhill (from 2200m to about 1000m), my feet hurt like hell, I was tired and I could hardly walk anymore.

nice people

But that didn’t mean that I couldn’t take any group pictures.

  • Kolja

    果子沟大桥 infact ranks 62nd of the world’s highest Bridges, being nearly 200 meters above ground level which is close to the height of the Eiffel-Tower’s topmost platform accessable by the public.


  • Elena

    200meters! Wow that’s really tall, your video doesn’t show out that height though…maybe because there were not other buildings around to be comparison.


  • Neil Sandage

    The bridge is also very long, not just tall. It was amazing to see it centipede across the mountains and wonder what sort of might could imagine such a path and two tunnels?

    I really love the picture inside of the Hut and and Honey. Old ethnic people add so much to the world.


  • Moose from Montreal

    Awesome photography!


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