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to live alone

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          This post is about a 23km walk from Suplacu de Barcău to Voivozi Monastery. I plan to go see a lake, but in the end…

Private: one thousand and one big fat penises

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          There was a palace called Nurullaboy Saroyi just outside of Khiva’s gates: It was apparently well worth a visit, but alas! it was closed for

Private: dog brandy

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          Rice paddies in the darkness. A tall wall with a gate. A yard with two houses. This place used to be a dog. It was…

clouds on fire

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          Remember the hole in my pants that I had just gotten fixed a few weeks earlier? Well, now I had a new one in a…

Private: 24″

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          I remember there was this day in 2016, a hot summer day on the border of China and Kazakhstan, when the Caboose got a new…

Private: demonstrating my style

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          Today I finally got to see the publishing house. It was in an office building in a more modern part of town: Upon arrival, I…

Private: can’t wait

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          Finally! I just received both my new pairs of shoes, and both my new pairs of inlays: (I put one new pair and one old…

what’s in children’s hearts

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…interpret her words this way? I’m not sure. Anyway, here’s the daily video: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy. Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube…

Alexander’s river

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          When I woke up, I was greeted by heavy rain. So I went back to sleep. Two hours later, the rain had gone, only the…

isn’t it strange how dreams fade and shimmer?

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…But the gas station was stacked to the brim with boxes of cigarettes and loose tobacco. WTF? I asked the cashier. “Taxes,” she said, adding: “they buy whole trunk loads…

work-life balance

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Stephane Ils sont géniaux tes selfies, mon pote!!! Meagan Loooove the selfies!!! Awesomeness!!! Meagan And you’re definitely not a jerk!!! A bit goofy, but not a jerk at all! ?…

Private: policy

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…not mail my stuff, because you could not mail SD-cards in Armenia. It was their policy. Daily video: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy. Learn more…

Private: the absence of snow

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          Heavy snow is bad for walking, at least if you’re pulling a Caboose. But a little snow, as long as it’s not too much, is…

the yellowing

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Benjamin K. wonderful day. At least from afar 🙂 Edward Daniels Do not be sad about Fall…I’ve always thought of it as symbolic of “change”….that all of us feel at…

fishing huts

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          This post is about a 26km walk from Mihajlovac to Velesnica. Bojan and his daughter come to visit. And I get my own stickers. I…


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Steven I am hungry… man! barskuk Белуга хорошая водка. Ждем водку с оценкой 10/10 Christoph barskuk: Хорошая водка, да. Но дорогая! 🙂 barskuk Очень дорогая, годится только для больших событий….

my antiques

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          Remember how I had tried to mail some of my written diaries and my SD-cards home two months earlier? I had failed that time, and…

all i need

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…this little restaurant where I was planning to ask for a place to sleep: “Sure”, they said, pointing outside: “you can pitch your tent anywhere you want!” I didn’t. Sure,…


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…laughing voice message back. “Dude, where are you,” he asks me. Turkey, I answer, and then it hits me. The Caboose has really made it all the way to Turkey….

Private: black

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          Where did you come from? When were you born? Who are your folks? And what are you looking for? How the hell are you so…