Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

putting on the gaiters

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Very friendly people at the hotel: It had been a much better night than the one before, I guess you can tell that from the picture, eh? I stepped out into the white: Snow had been falling all night and all day, creating a soft whiteness that made the few colors I could see so […]

snow anthem

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What a terrible night: some dude started yelling for the maid at about 1 am and woke me up. I listened to that shit for a couple of minutes, then I burst out the door. Thinking about it now, I’ve come to realize that screaming at the top of my lungs that he should just […]

the big plastic tree

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I got up early today and climbed up the few hundred steps to the Guangsheng Temple 广胜寺: It was an okay place. The mountain wasn’t as high as I had thought, and the visitors weren’t as many: Well, it wasn’t bad though, not at all. There was a certain laid-back feel to it all, and […]

go head down

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Not much to talk about. I’m currently headed a bit east off the track, walking a detour that’s going to cost me a day’s time and hopefully reward me with a nice mountain and a temple on top. Maybe even a pagoda, who knows. Well, today it got really cold again, so I just kind […]


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I stayed around at the house of Grandpa Liu 刘爷爷 until noon, chatting with the old man and the old lady, waiting for the kids to be back from school. Even the dog was nice after he had gotten used to me. Lovely people. It was hard to leave. Grandma had prepared some bread and […]

mountain temples

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My health is getting better to an extent where I can’t stay in bed doing nothing anymore. Time to move. I started walking south on the highway this morning, aiming at Xinzhi in a comfortable distance of about 12km. When I saw a temple on the mountainside I decided to go up there and check […]

cruelty lines

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I just lay there on my bed, thinking and thinking: should I stay or should I go? My cold was still there. Eventually I got up and packed up, strapped my shoes on, put on my bags, opened the door and walked out into the wide open. It was there that I found the mysterious […]


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This morning I made a mistake. I looked at the map and thought: 15km is not that much, I can easily walk it off in the afternoon! So I wasted a long time doing nothing, looking at magazines, not realizing what a long day lay ahead of me: Even though some of these covers might […]

invisible Russians

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An easy day. Mild temperatures. Roads winding through little villages. People hanging out everywhere, passing the time. Old people: Young people: I saw another burial on the way, but I didn’t take any pictures this time, I just stood there trying not to bother anyone. From what they told me an average funeral ceremony costs […]

final flowers

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I spent today mainly walking uphill: Luckily, temperatures seemed on the rise again, and at times I could take off my gloves for a few minutes. Really most of the day kind of looked like this: But initially leaving the city proved to be a bit of a hassle, since I was having a hard […]

the happy and the burning red

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Today was a good day: subzero temperatures, but good. I’d like to start off with this: “You make me 你让我” – happy. …the friendly group of workers who insisted on buying me lunch, the policemen who waved me in to have tea together, the countless motorcycle dudes who stopped and wanted to give me a […]


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I’m not tough. I’m a sissy. …but I’ll tell you more about that later. First things first: I left Pingyao today, walking southwest on highway G108. Of course, behind the tourist sites, the city had yet another face: Sometimes I wonder what all of this must have looked like before progress demanded its toll. Anyways, […]


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This post is about a 27km walk from Qixian to Pingyao. I rest between some graves, then some biker dudes insist on giving me a ride. There are several songs advising people to “get on the good foot”. It doesn’t always work out, though. Today was another day I started on the bad foot. It […]

camel #4

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This post is about a 23km walk from Dongguan to Qixian. I visit the famous Qiao Family Compound and wonder about some roadside graves. I woke up in the unholy smell of that hotel room this morning and thought: what a bad way to start the day. A bit of walking and the lungs full […]

the recipe

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This post is about a 24km walk from Taigu to Dongguan. I visit a university, the White Pagoda, and the Residence of Kong Xiangxi. I had a bowl of fried noodles the Agricultural University of Shanxi 山西农业大学: People had told me that there were some foreign exchange students at that university, so I went and […]


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This post is about a 23km walk from Dongyang to Taigu. I see lots of sheep and visit the Chang Family Courtyard. I lose almost all my photos. It’s crazy how many sheep I saw today. I mean there were a lot of sheep. And they were everywhere – right when I walked out of […]

a breeze of anguish

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This post is about a 31km walk from Yuci to Dongyang. I spend a few hours in the old town of Yuci, then I see misery on the road. Yuci is well-known for its reconstructed “old town”: It’s also known as Jinzhong jin zhong, and nothing here is really old. A lot of Chinese production […]

the wild

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This post is about a 32km walk from Taianyi to Yuci. Temperatures have dropped. I see canyons and young men repairing big trucks. The last 100km have gone by pretty fast. They were all about the patience of walking. Walking through several different kinds of landscapes: This part of China is called Shanxi 山西, which […]


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This post is about a 25km walk from Shouyang to Taianyi. The road takes me to an altitude of about 1000m, and it is pretty rural. The world has two faces. There is the city: And there is the countryside: It seems as though more and more people are living in more and more populated […]

smell the bacon

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This post is about a 40km walk from Yangquan to Shouyang. I take a quiet country road and repeatedly run into angry dogs. Too much walking today. There was nowhere to sleep between Yangquan and Shouyang, so I had to pull off the whole distance at once. First I noticed this, though: And then, further […]