the recipe

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This post is about a 24km walk from Taigu to Dongguan. I visit a university, the White Pagoda, and the Residence of Kong Xiangxi.

I had a bowl of fried noodles the Agricultural University of Shanxi 山西农业大学:

Agricultural University of Shanxi food court

People had told me that there were some foreign exchange students at that university, so I went and looked around.

I didn’t find any foreigners, but I had some fun with the local students:

Agricultural University of Shanxi

At first I was amused by their artworks, because they were clearly propaganda, and outdated, too. They were all about the 17th Chinese Communist Party Congress that was about to take place soon, but their style was rather crude.

They in turn seemed amused by my looks, because I was a foreigner with a huge backpack.

When I talked to them I found out that the artworks were actually for some kind of student debate that they had going on.

They in turn found out that I could speak Chinese:

in the Agricultural University of Shanxi on the walk from Taigu to Dongguan

I had a fun time. They had a fun time. We all had a fun time.

Then I left.

the White Pagoda and the dogs

On my way out of Taigu I walked past the White Pagoda 白塔:

White Pagoda of Taigu

A magnificent structure.

I got into a little argument with the management, though. They had closed the place for lunch (until two thirty in the afternoon) and let a bunch of super-aggressive dogs patrol the area. I told them that I could help them get rid of their dog problem, and that I would love to treat them to a meal of dog hotpot.

They said maybe next time.

Raised eyebrows.

Then I climbed up the tower:

Within the White Pagoda of Taigu

Once again: pagodas are simply not that much fun at the top. But I guess you can never be sure until you’ve been up each and every one.

I liked the fat Bodhisavta they had on the ground floor though:

Bodhisatva of the White Pagoda on the walk from Taigu to Dongguan

I ended up spending too much time in Taigu today – there was just so much to look at.

Kong Xiangxi’s house and the bricks

Next place I went to was the Courtyard Residence of Kong Xiangxi 孔祥熙. He was a descendent of Confucius and an important public figure in 19th and 20th century China. There were some other visitors as well:

in Kong Xiangxi's Courtyard

The guy in the picture is a soldier. He saw me messing around with my tripod and decided to stand in my frame and watch. That’s how he ended up being in the picture – I liked it that way.

A couple of other visitors seemed to have found the recipe for a happy afternoon: good friends + the strong smell of Chinese rice wine + some standard-issue bricks:

breaking bricks


brick breakers on the walk from Taigu to Dongguan

At first I thought the guys were just drunken fools, but then I saw them really smash the bricks with their bare hands, all while laughing their heads off and patting each other on the back. They kept shouting “ka-pow!!!”

Cool dudes.

I didn’t test my skills on the bricks. Instead I walked over to the old Drum Tower 鼓楼 and shot a picture that’s supposed to illustrate how to rent a room:

Taigu drum tower on the walk from Taigu to Dongguan

The paper on the left is a note about an apartment that is free for rent. The person standing in the background on the right is apparently the landlord or an agent. As soon as anyone stops to look at the note, the landlord/agent will come running and try to land a deal.

At the time when I noticed this I could have used a room for myself, but I still had to continue for another three hours if I wanted to walk from Taigu to Dongguan.

I walked next to the highway until it was dark, and then I kept walking for a little while longer.

Now I’m in a hotel room that smells bad. It looks clean but there is this terrible stench. I think it’s the sink. I’m getting a headache. Poor me.

  • Wanda

    Hey – had to catch up for a while. Hope you can always find a place to warm up, and stay away from the ferocious dogs…it's nice to know you like cats; I'll be sure to let Ghostie know!


  • wuhsi

    "poor me?" your lucky sipf cause viewing a sheep can make you smile!
    thats nice
    ps: bei uns stehen jetzt vier Ziegen, die sind auch ziemlich lustig,
    pps: hoping at least the heating works (to keep the running gag going) 😉


  • Christoph

    Wanda: I thought Ghostie always knew how much I liked him? Hey guys, I hope you all are together (with Ghostie) this end of the year and have a nice and merry Christmas!
    wuhsi: Wir sollten mal rausfinden, ob Ziegen oder Schafe alberner aussehen!
    I haven't had a cold night in more than a week I think, that's pretty awesome, eh?


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