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hospitality and a cow

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…started screaming at everyone (mainly at the first driver). “YOU!” I screamed in English, pointing at him: “it was YOU!” The people in the accident vehicle looked shocked, but they…

Private: no ferry for bearded men

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…ticket and the uncertainty of caspian seafaring, what would I do? 🙂 冯力 如此不怕风吹,也不怕日晒!! Benjamin B Chris, you may be interested in this piece of Caspian Sea ferry geekery?…


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…Please be careful! Norbert Hi Christoph, whow! Found your blog through this story: Your “trip” is awesome! Stories AND pictures nice to read and look at. Thank you soooo…

little things

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…自己也在对很多事情困惑,面对难题、不顺心都逃避… 也到处行走为逃避为寻找,面对父母的担忧.. 却最终还是回家了…3年过去了却还是不能对过去所释怀,. 呼~~~ 每个人看都会有不同感触吧.好坏亦因人而定 推荐看.. andy Hey, Gulliver ist wieder unterwegs!!!(Foto 2) andy little things: frühstücken, durch pfützen springen, mit seinem zwei jahre alten sohn singend im regen spazieren…

Private: the blue and the hue

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          Went to a museum today, an art museum called Städel: I used to go there a lot when I was living in Frankfurt. That was…


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…and isn’t it their lunch break soon, anyway, okay, please come back in a week to pick up your passport. A week? Okay. I celebrated with an alcohol-free beer: It…

new means big

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…young: it was from 1912, the year when the Titanic sunk. about that Nevsky guy Alexander Nevsky, whom the cathedral was named after, wasn’t Bulgarian, though. He was a Russian…

and then?

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…Sie haben mir ein Kinder-Schoko-Bon geschenkt, weil ich ein Buch gekauft habe. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn es soweit ist, wieder einen Vortrag zu besuchen! Also: Yeah! More presentations, please!…


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…since it sure doesn’t look as simple as I originally thought…!) WTG and great celebratory dance. ? Love the freedom of spirit you embrace. Kelly Kitchen Ugh I feel like…

Private: I want to sit next to me

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…felt like a marshrutka ride: “Listen”, I asked the air hostess, “where is my other seat?” “Your other seat?” she asked. “Yes, I have paid for two seats”, I said,…

how we became approved

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…individual is allowed to offer shelter to, hide, or assist in finding shelter for people lacking proper ID 任何单位和个人不得收留,藏匿,安置无有效证件人员” Well, remember my troubles in Jinghe and Yining? I didn’t. Yet….

Private: the line between old and new

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          Today I went to an unimposing door: And behind that door, there was a caretaker: See the mark on his forehead? It usually means that…


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max hey christoph! probiers mal mit “yahximusiz” [ausgesprochen etwa jachsimmusiß], das heißt soviel wie “guten tag” oder “how do you do?”, “rehmet” [etwa rächmätt], heißt “danke”, oder “hox” [das hat…

that ugly old fart

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          People often ask me about walking and the difficulties that it entails. Physical challenges come up, loneliness, bad dudes, mean animals, illness, or just traffic…

1 good thing, 4 nice people, 1 bad thing, and a possible solution to a problem

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…das keinen Spaß… Becci: Die sind süß oder? (Ich bin natürlich gigantisch, habe aber auch ziemlich hohe Schuhe!) kevin: Basically, it was all about papers… jule ziemlich hohe schuhe!! versuchst…

the dust and the smoke

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          This post is about the town of Amasra. It sits on the Turkish Black Sea coast, and I found it a stunning place to visit….

Private: the observer effect

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          I’ve been told to take little walks every day to break in my new shoes and inlays. Of course wearing newly prescribed inlays isn’t a…

Private: TLW posters?

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…give you all the energy and willpower to walk till your Bad village in Germany 😀 崔波 深圳有家叫雅昌的水准一流的印刷企业,之前又收购了日本的一个做相框的,所以无论相片印刷本身或者外框加工制作都非常棒,也有面向个人用户的产品,你可以查询一下,微信上就有他们的公众号。 崔波 微信公众号上搜“传给雅昌”,一家深圳的印刷企业,他们的客户包括英超球队、拍卖行以及奢侈品牌的刊物印制,也有相片的印刷业务。 kevin Where are your posters/photos for sale? You need pants….

Private: remember the water

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…of this, though: For them, being at the lake was simply great. The water was either warm, and then you went swimming. Or it was cold, and then you didn’t….

Private: blue snowflakes for nice person

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…to be restricted. Nothing happened for a while, until a few months ago, when the restriction on the video was suddenly lifted. It happened just like that. Without further comment….