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Private: the I see you tree

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          Again another book thing, another city, another train ride. We skipped breakfast and got biandang instead. A biandang is a boxed dish that looks sort…

oh Sichuan…

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Hermann ja, ich erinnere mich: meine kinder hoch oben auf meiner schulter, die welt zu füssen und papa unterm arsch Steven ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. !!! sissi looking these beautiful photos of the…

Private: Gymnos

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          There is something about Germans and nakedness. Ever since the beginning of time, Germans have loved being naked. All of us. There is no exception….

the age of moss

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          Ramsar was full of big fat villas: I was told that they were from pre-revolutionary times, and that well-connected people from Tehran lived in them…


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          How come my feet are so dirty? Well, we went to the place where they offload coal today… …and that’s where we saw… her: 8195…

wheels and wheels and hot water in the end

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…actually! —cr— jac hey, nice song! Christoph I LOVE THAT SONG, I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! leo China tags: wheels hot water….. apple 路途的风景,停不下的脚步,挡不住前进的步伐 apple 路上的风景只有自己知道。说再多,他们也没见到…

Russia = terrorist state

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…of organ music. No. They had a total of three (3!) organs, a choir, and a string orchestra. It seemed like they had understood how to get people to come…

the biggest city that died

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          Today was my only day off in Turkmenistan. But it was going to be packed. The ruins of Merv to be looked at. Shoes to…

Before Sunrise

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…them was from 1944, from the depths of World War II. VERLASS MICH U. FRANZI NICHT it said: “don’t leave me and Franzi”. the record store We went to Teuchtler’s…

leather & art

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…you describe ‘reality’? 4) And, is that ‘I’ part of that ‘reality’? 5) ‘Or’ means: you’re not sure of things. Best regards from Belgium! Yang Yang beautiful pictures…working in the…

the canal road

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…in it: You swimmin’? I sheepishly asked them. “You walkin’?” they asked back. Then, after a few hours of the quiet road and the canal, I saw my first little…

city planning

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…Gefühl,du machst Umwege und zögerst die Ankunft hinaus? ! Täusche ich mich? Christoph Rehage Ein bisschen Spaß muss sein! 😀 Jared That pizza looks delicious! 5 cheeses cannot be bad!…

Private: replugged

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          Partial failure. I wanted to honor the tradition of being offline on the weekends, but this time I just couldn’t, at least not completely. I…

help from inside and outside

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…way to Baoding – today?” he asked me. “Well,” I said, “because it’s 35km to Baoding! We’ll never make it.” Zhu Hui thought for a while: “It’s not about the…


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…“Did you lose or did you win today?” Pei: “I lost, but I placed third!” C: “Where you nervous at all?” P: “No, never!” C: “Never ever?” P: “Well, the…

smell the bacon

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…40K! Great!!! Christoph Thanks chief! ataraxia 红纸上似乎写的是“囍”字(即“喜”, happiness),是中国人结婚的时候常用的一个字,以求幸福美满。至于为什么要贴在这些雕像上要看具体情况。 中国有些地方有“石菩萨”( Stone Bodhisattva)的风俗,将一块石头或者雕塑认为是菩萨的化身(avatar),因此具有灵气,贴上红纸或者缠上红布表示尊敬和祈福。 不过我怀疑这里只是随便贴上去的,应该是附近人家办喜酒,没有什么特殊的含义 Christoph 嗯,我不太了解这些,但是我看你的解释好像有道理。 ruli Oh. hey! look who’s back! the funny man 😀 Joshua Cat named doo doo 😅😅…

one in nine hundred thousand

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          When I woke up I felt very tired. It had indeed been a noisy night. The restaurant was open 24/7, and there were always patrons…

from tree to tree

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…two gifts. Another morning, another view. I opened the tent flap and looked at the 500-year-old oak. It stood there, solemnly towering over the fields. Everything was quiet. My tent…


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…呵呵,不厉害! 反正谢谢你!!! ataraxia 红色是因为那墓和墓碑是新的… Christoph 嗯,应该是吧。谢谢!:) Hannah Hello I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs. I have seen a photograph of…

a natural fool

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…Wüstenabschnitt. Lilu Ok, gut! 🙂 Patrick bees vs. chris…….the neverending story!….but i have a favorite whos winning this Christoph Steven: 🙁 丁: 我觉得也是啊! John: I think I am getting even…