Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

Point Alpha

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This post is about a 20km walk from Hünfeld to Geisa. I cross the former inner German border and look at Point Alpha. Breakfast in the monastery was awesome. I ate, filled up my thermos flasks with hot water, then I put on my poncho and walked out of Hünfeld. the road to East Germany […]


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This post is about an 18km walk from Fulda to Hünfeld. I wonder about shoes, walk next to a busy road, and end up in a monastery. Shoes had always been an important part of The Longest Way. Back in 2007, I had started out wearing hiking boots made of leather. They were durable but […]

pride comes before the-

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This post is about a 14km walk from Kleinheiligkreuz to Fulda. I walk through a forest and slip on a downward slope. I woke up feeling heavy from dinner the night before. It had been a semi-fancy dinner with pumpkin soup, veggie dumplings, and slices of breaded apple with walnut ice cream for dessert. softheaded […]

the sixteenth day

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This post is about an 8km walk from Blankenau to KleinHeiligkreuz. It’s my birthday, and I gorge myself after walking only very little. In the morning I had breakfast with Judith and Berthold, then I filled up my thermos flasks with hot water and got going. I had never told them it was my birthday. […]

heart-shaped cake

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This post is about a 20km walk from Dirlammen to Blankenau. I have some communication issues, and then I turn forty-two. In the morning Sabine and her husband were at work, but her parents Anita and Klaus were home. They gave me breakfast, and then we sat there for a while, enjoying tea and conversation. […]

the good people of Vogelsberg

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This post is about a 14km walk from Ulrichstein to Dirlammen. Angie hosts me, I get lost in a forest, and then Sabine hosts me. This post is about a 14km walk from Ulrichstein to Dirlammen. Angie hosts me, I get lost in a forest, and then Sabine hosts me. One thing I like to […]

trash panda

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This post is about a 15km walk from Laubach to Ulrichstein. I take a self portrait with a horse and then I see a raccoon. I spent two nights in the communal kitchen of the camp ground, hanging out with the other campers, waiting out the rain. I also took a hot shower and did […]

follow the heretic

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This post is about a 20km walk from Lich to Laubach. I follow the Luther Pilgrims’ Way for a while, then I end up at a birthday party. I ended up staying in the town of Lich for two days. The hotel was cheap and comfortable, the beer was good (Licher Brewery was from here), […]


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This post is about a 17km walk from Rockenberg to Lich. I walk past the gallows of Münzenberg and Amsburg Abbey. A group of trick-or-treating parents and kids had told me about a barbecue hut on a hilltop at the edge of their village. So I went there to spend the night in the shelter […]

complicit glances

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This post is about an 21km walk from Rosbach vor der Höhe to Rockenberg. I see Elvis and put a spider on my head. In the morning Jürgen and his wife Bettina asked me into the kitchen and gave me breakfast. They owned 1000 pigs, but it wasn’t weird to them that I chose to […]


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This post is about an 18km walk from Nieder-Erlenbach to Rosbach vor der Höhe. I start walking in a barn and I end up in another barn. I had found a sheltered spot in someone’s barn. There were some pigeons and mice in there, but they were alright. the swarm When the sparrows came in […]


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This post is about a 15km walk from Frankfurt to Nieder-Erlenbach. I say goodbye to the weirdo, then I walk through the rain. The weirdo and decided to have one final Turkish breakfast near Konstablerwache. so we walked there together with the Caboose, as we had done so many times before. We ordered omelet and […]

tennis balls

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This post is about a 25km walk from Raunheim to Frankfurt. We warm up in a gas station, then we walk along the river Main into the city. I can’t really say when we woke up, or if we woke up at all. In order to wake up you must sleep, and we had hardly […]

approach path

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This post is about a 19km walk from Mainz to Raunheim. We cross the Rhine and camp in a cold spot near the airport. Mainz has parakeets. They’re everywhere in the trees in the Volkspark, cawing and flying around. drama Why are they there? Maybe they escaped from private homes and found hot air vents […]


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This post is about a 16km walk from Nierstein to Mainz. We get drunk with Argentinians and have difficulties getting into Mainz. Did you hear that? I asked the weirdo. When we looked outside, we saw a green, train-like vehicle moving through the vineyards. A bunch of people were sitting in it, and they were […]

the worst war

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This post is about a 15km walk from Guntersblum to Nierstein. We rest at the castle ruins in Oppenheim, then we camp in the vineyards. Ah, so relaxed! After two and a half days in the winery we felt good again, and so we packed our stuff, bought another bottle of Xenia for the way, […]

to the wine!

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This post is about a 5km walk from Mettenheim to Guntersblum. We wake up in a pavilion in the vineyards and walk to a winery. I was just waking up, and the sky was still a shade of dark blue when I heard a bunch of kids riding past us on their bicycles. “Look, someone […]

deluxe camping experience

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This post is about a 17km walk from Worms to Mettenheim. We sleep in our tent even though we have paid for a hotel room. We did something stupid today. Or smart. But definitely stupid. We had paid for a hotel room in Worms, and the payment was non-refundable. And yet we decided to leave […]

chemical streets

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This post is about a 22km walk from Ludwigshafen to Worms. We walk along the BASF chemical plant for a long time. Walking out of Ludwigshafen felt a bit weird. Everything was either made of asphalt or concrete, the residential buildings seemed to be mostly prefab, and there were flyovers everywhere. At least some of […]

a stone on a grave

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This post is about a 25km walk from Speyer to Ludwigshafen. We visit the Jewish cemetery of Speyer and walk late into the night. We went to the Jewish cemetery first. Or rather: we went to the part of the Christian cemetery that had been given to the Jewish community in the late 19th century. […]