tennis balls

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This post is about a 25km walk from Raunheim to Frankfurt. We warm up in a gas station, then we walk along the river Main into the city.

I can’t really say when we woke up, or if we woke up at all. In order to wake up you must sleep, and we had hardly slept.


I got up, did my exercises and tried to take a few self portraits with the incoming airplanes. Then we packed our stuff and stumbled over to a nearby gas station.

Finally, some warmth! We had a lot of hot coffee and some chocolate croissants, and we just sat there and sat there and sat there, slowly getting rid of some of the layers of clothes that we had put on during the night.

And then, once we were halfway warm again, we continued on our way.

vitamin c

First we went to a pharmacy in a small town called Keisterbach. I needed to stock up on my MS medication, so I had ordered a batch there.

Last night got a bit chilly, I told the pharmacist, is there some sort of vitamin thingie that we can take to fence of a cold?

He gave me an ironic smile: “You’ve either caught it or not, you’ll see in a few days. Of course you can take some vitamin c if that makes you feel like you’ve done something.”

another place from my life

The road to Frankfurt was a bit longer than I would have liked it to be. We felt weak from the night, and our walking was slow.

After about 15km we came to a place I recognized from a winter that I had spent here, when I had walked around the river Main every day with a tennis ball in my hand, bouncing it against the ground as I walked, wondering if I would ever make it here with the Caboose on The Longest Way. I had given one of my tennis balls to a dog in Georgia after that.

And now I was here.

Hello, Frankfurt, I said.


the walk from Raunheim to Frankfurt:

  • benjamin k.

    The updates are coming steadily now, which leaves only one spoylery conclusion: If you divide the 400 km frome here to Bad Nenndorf by the days between when this post was conceived until today you get 14 km/day. Therefore, as we are mentally cheering you on on the home stretch, you sit comfortably in your grandpa’s armcair, giggling.

    But nervermind: “Go Chris!!! You nearly made it!!! Only 400 something to go!”


  • Ben

    Y’all do know what the white bicycle means eh


  • SteffiJ.

    Mir ist schon klar,dass der Umweg über Frankreich nach Hause von dir geplant war,aber wie du Sachen dann so auf einen Punkt bringst wie heute: großartig. Damals in Frankfurt … und jetzt. lch denke wie Benjamin,das wir deinen emotionalen Zieleinlauf nicht live erleben .


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