what will they say?

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There are oilfields here in Shanshan:

oil pump

Guess who’s drilling? Right, the ladies and gentlemen from Tuha Oil City (crude oil).

We didn’t get to know any of them though, so we weren’t able to find out what it feels like to drive 300 kilometers to work.

Vincent from Taiwan 台湾 was riding his bike in the opposite direction from us:

Vincent from Taiwan stopped and gave me cookies

The dude had started out in North America and was planning to arrive in Beijing in another 2 months or so.

…there are more cyclists out here than one might think…

We walked some more, and then we took a pit stop and changed a tire on the caboose:

repairing the Caboose

Same old, same old – it didn’t even bother me anymore.

Then we ran into yet another biker:

Xue Mengqiang stopped his bicycle for a chat on the way

Xue Mengqiang 薛孟强 is a farmer from the northwest of China. More than ten years ago he packed his bags and went riding his bicycle all around the country for 2 years. Then he came back, worked some more, and this year he did the same thing again. People call him Xinjiang Black Brother 新疆黑哥, I guess that’s because of his tan.

He said a lot has changed in this country since the first time he explored it. And he said people had been telling him about me ever since he passed through Dunhuang (Dunhuang) coming from the south.

I wonder what those people might have said about me?

What will they say?

We arrived in the city when the sun was just about to set:


“Did you have a good time today?” I asked my friend Wu Jiang, “you walked more than 30km with me.”

A smile and a nod: “it was alright” he said.

We went to the grocery store and then hung around in the hotel for a little while, talking about the good and bad things in life (mainly girls). Then we took a cab to the train station 30km outside of town:

Wu Jiang going home

Goodbye my friend – you saw the Tianchi and you walked with Leike for a day. You even helped him fix the Caboose!

Isn’t that a beautiful thing?

  • Freddy

    I just got an interesting question..

    Why it never rains there?

    It's always been sunny and windy. But it's good for you.


  • 爆胎专家

    常常爆胎 切记: 在这种温度的地方要泵少1点气呀 8成满就好!!!


  • 爆胎专家

    在这个骑车环中国的网站 http://bec08.com/blog/8/21/index.html
    有美国人同你一样 拉车徒步行啊:)


  • Marvin

    I went back and veiwed some of your older videos that I hadn't seen. You know they have a new tv show here called "Dancing with the Stars". I think you would be perfect. It doesn't look like you picked any of the Plainveiw hip hop dance moves.
    I have to share a little story about dry climates with you. You know in Eastern Colorado where Wanda grew up they only average about 12" of rain a year. Wanda's dad had quite the "dry" sense of humor and when asked by a stranger passing through the little town that they lived in if it ever rained? He answered, "I don't know I've only been here 50 years".
    By the way, "Heavenly Lake" sounds like the name of a American Porno star.
    Wanda & Ghostie say Hi.


  • Steven

    You really are getting well known all the way from Dunhuang to Xinjiang, friend !!!
    Congratulations on walking across the Gobi desert finally !
    It was rough, man !


  • Momo

    Hmm, ich mochte die Wüste irgendwie. Die Bilder strahlten so eine Weite, Leere aus, waren irgendwie befreiend. Naja, auf der anderen Seite freue ich mich darauf, wie es jetzt weiter geht und was da für Bilder zu sehen sind. 🙂

    Sorry, letzte Woche war ich auf einer Schulung und damit ohne Internetzugang. Beim nächsten Mal melde ich mich brav ab, versprochen!


  • oneday

    please contact JOHNNIE WALKER…….keep walking.
    maybe they will put you on their advertise……..but you must dress like a english man.


  • NONO



  • Barry aka Ba Lli

    Find ich ja ziemlich abgefahren, wieviel Leute da so einfach durch die Gegend wandern oder mit dem Radel fahren.
    Ich glaube das würde uns allen zu Gute kommen, wenn das hier auch häufiger gemacht werden würde.
    Einmal kam einer bei uns durchs Dorf, der wollte zum Nordkap. Aber in der Gobi trifft man ja scheinbar jeden Tag solche Leute.
    Btw, was macht der Onkel und seine Allergie?


  • Christoph

    Freddy: I guess it doesn't rain often, and that's maybe why it's a desert.
    爆胎专家: 好的知道啦。
    Marvin: Hahaha, that story is hilarious! Now I know who Wanda got her punchlines from! 🙂
    Steven: Yeah, it was rough.
    Momo: Wüste hat was, ist aber auch schön wenn's mal vorbei ist.
    oneday: Hahaha, you wish!
    NONO: 谢谢!我已经改了。
    Barry aka Ba Lli: Der Onkel ist in Ürümqi in Behandlung. Sein Zustand hat sich gebessert.


  • Momo

    Stimmt, der Onkel. Weiss er was er hatte? Ich mein, wenn man in der Wüste unterwegs ist, begegnen einem nicht sooo viele Pollen, auf die man allergisch reagieren könnte. Insofern hab ich mir beim Lesen auch ein bisschen Sorgen gemacht, dass es was Ernsteres sein könnte.


  • Barry aka Ba Lli



  • claudia

    on october 16, 1934 chairman mao and his communist leaders began what became known as The Long March. 😉


  • Momo

    Barry, Stauballergie war mein erster Gedanke (geht also in die Richtung), allerdings bist du in der Regel nicht gegen den Staub selbst allergisch, sondern gegen die Milben, die in dem Staub leben (und sich von diesem ernähren). Milben in der Wüste? Hmm, ich bin kein Biologe, ich weiss es ehrlich gesagt nicht. Aber aus eigener Erfahrung als Stauballergiker weiss ich, dass ich als Kind draußen im Dreck eigentlich keine Probleme hatte, solange die Pollen sich zurück gehalten haben. 😉


  • Barry aka Ba Lli

    Und ich dachte immer, die Allergie wendet sich gegen die Ausscheidungen der Milben.


  • Barry aka Ba Lli

    Vielleicht die legendären gobistischen Sandmilben?


  • Momo

    Barry, hast Recht, es ist der Kot. So genau ins Detail bin ich da nie gegangen, da ich die Milben selbst schon nicht sehen kann, zumindest nicht ohne Brille.


  • Christoph

    Momo: Ich frage ihn mal bei Gelegenheit.
    claudia: Thanks for pointing that out.


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