Tag Archives: walk🚶🏻

I’m becoming a car-hater and there’s nothing I wanna do about it

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This post is about a 13km walk from Lingenfeld to Speyer. We reach the Imperial Cathedral of Speyer, and so do a bunch of cars. We had spent the night on a lot for motorhomes. It was next to a campground that had closed for the season, and there were no amenities except for a […]

grown-ups like to get lost

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This post is about a 21km walk from Leimersheim to Lingenfeld. We learn about corn mazes and find a place that serves burgers. Swole Stefan had been right: Fritz, the owner of the farm with the corn maze, was a kind man. He let us pitch the tent under an overhanging roof on his premises, […]

without the wolf

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This post is about a 24km walk from Neuburg to Leimersheim. We walk through a town that prides itself on a dead wolf. We stayed in Neuburg for two days. The guesthouse was clean and quiet, and it was run by a friendly lady who really liked to talk about Mongolia. Her daughter-in-law was from […]

tipsy in the danger zone

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This post is about an 18km walk from Munchhausen to Neuburg. It’s the second border crossing into Germany. The last one, I think. We woke up on yet another campground. Again it was camper vans and mobile homes all around. Just almost no people at all. We brushed our teeth, packed up our stuff, fetched […]

dicking around

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This post is about a 19km walk from Staedly to Munchhausen. The weirdo and I end up taking artsy pictures in a nightly forest. We left the grumpy Germans (and a friendly Dutch couple) and got back on the road. There was still a bit of France left on the way, which meant baguettes and […]

cheers to imperialism?

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This post is about a 12km walk from Drusenheim to Staedly. We see a bunch of old trucks and hear some drunk Germans rant about politics. The night in the pavilion had been great: a light buzz from the vodka, no need for the outer tent, no issues with morning dew, a nice view over […]


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This post is about a 15km walk from Gambsheim to Drusenheim. We wake up around mosquitoes and go to sleep around mosquitoes. We had spent the night on a campground next to a lake in Gambsheim. There were a lot of municipal campgrounds in France, which was a good thing, but many of them were […]

ways to look

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This post is about a 20km walk from Strasbourg to Gambsheim. The weirdo and I run into the artwork “Les Arbrorigènes” in the forest. After two days in Strasbourg, the weirdo and I packed up the Caboose and started walking in a northeasterly direction, towards the Rhône–Rhine Canal. cycling cities The way out of Strasbourg […]

lingering picon

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This post is about a 25km walk from Krautergersheim to Strasbourg. I walk past a lot of cabbage and finally get a bike lock for the Caboose. That headache you get from too much beer with too little sleep. La classe! At one point during the night, a guy had shown up at my tent […]

walks past

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This post is about a 20km walk from Zotzenberg to Krautergersheim. I revisit some places that I have walked through in 2005. Back in 2005 I went on a little walk through Alsace. 2005 I wasn’t alone back then, though. My brother Rubi, my friend Pummi, and our family dog Puki went with me. Later […]

I, postmaster

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This post is about a 21km walk from Sélestat to Zotzenberg. I try to deliver a postcard and outrun the rain. The weirdo left Sélestat by train, I left on foot. We were going to meet again a few days later in Strasbourg. the warning I headed in the direction of northwest towards the Vosges, […]

against our will

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This post is about a 19km walk from Marckolsheim to Sélestat. I visit the Memorial Museum of the Rhine Maginot Line in Marckolsheim. I had spent the night on the farm of a friendly gentleman called Pierre. Pierre dealt in timber, spoke excellent German, and gave me a bag of cookies. the Maginot Line Then […]

fall of the leaves

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This post is about an 18km walk from Biesheim to Marckolsheim. I pass a Jewish cemetery and the border between Upper and Lower Alsace. Biesheim was quiet when I left. I saw a woman in a car and a man on a bicycle, and then I found myself on the EuroVelo 15. I loved it. […]

city planning

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It was perfectly This post is about a 6km walk from Neuf-Brisach to Biesheim. I walk through a fortified town and eat a very good pizza. I woke up on a French campground feeling happy but exhausted. Maybe the inclines and declines of the High Black Forest had exhausted me, or maybe I just hadn’t […]

isn’t it strange how dreams fade and shimmer?

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This post is about a 23km walk from Opfinger Lake to Neuf-Brisach. I have decided to take a detour through France just because. I had bivouacked next to the Opfinger See, an artificial lake in a forest. It was supposed to be very popular with bathing guests in the summer, but by now the season […]

and then?

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This post is about a 17km walk from Merzhausen to Opfinger Lake. I stock up on outdoor equipment and meet up with David from Mundologia. I had stayed at my friend’s place for a day. Went to the city and got a new pair of shoes (I always kept a spare pair in the Caboose) […]


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This post is about a 25km walk from Hinterwaldkopf to Merzhausen. I lose almost 1000m in altitude on my way down towards Freiburg. Even though my thermarest had turned into a bouncy castle, it had been a surprisingly relaxing night. I fell asleep to the call of an owl and woke up to the singing […]

tiny houses

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This post is about an 18km walk from Titisee to Hinterwaldkopf. I see some miniature Black Forest houses and go higher into the hills. The campground was tightly packed with camper vans and full-sized motor homes. I had never seen this many of them in one place. They stood side by side on a terraced […]

let’s all go to the lake

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This post is about a 17km walk from Friedenweiler to Titisee. I arrive at Titisee and see a bunch of tourists and clocks. I stayed for two days in a cozy room under a pitched roof in a small guesthouse in a tiny village in the Black Forest. One time I decided that I wanted […]

silva nigra

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This post is about a 19km walk from Waldhausen to Friedenweiler. I suddenly find myself in the High Black Forest. I woke up next to an old mill. It had a silo that looked a bit like a guard tower. It had been a very good night, cool and refreshing in my tent under a […]