a shillyshally rat

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When I’m moving, I’m moving slow. And sometimes I’m not moving at all.

It’s procrastination. Shillyshally, as my online dictionary tells me.


Well, the frosty countryside kind of held me off today, making me feel like I needed another day in the warmth of the city to get myself ready to venture out and find the weird thing on the map.

And what could be better than a good dose of fast food to tank up on?


I spent a full afternoon at this Chinese chain restaurant sipping on soda pop and reading in my book, until eventually they rewarded me with a gift that made me feel like I had gained some kind of V.I.P. status: a fluffy mouse. Or was it a rat?

Who knows – they would have never told me anyways.

I took care of some other things, got a set of new business cards and bought a few disaster movies, then I moved on to another fast food restaurant, and this time it was a real All-American:


I got food, sat down, got out my book and my mouse and continued reading.

Then I gave the mouse to a little girl that was sitting there spying on me.

Now that I think about it, I’ve come to realize that the mouse was in fact not a mouse at all.

2008 is the year of the rat, isn’t it?

Oh right, I haven’t told you guys yet: I’m planning to spend the festivities around February 6th in Yuncheng, about 100km from my present location.

What a good excuse to shillyshally.

  • WangZhuo

    hey! how about your feet?脚痛!哈哈


  • joerg

    ich hab das b-wort auch gelesen,
    du hast also keine Haluzinationen 😉


  • David lee

    some children call KFC for 肯缺德的鸡, haha


  • joerg

    ach so, würde mich für Dich freuen, wenn Du von Deiner Reise nicht nur wundervolle Eindrücke und Lebensweisheiten (siehe Kommentar 1, day 65) mitbringst, sonder auch noch eine überwältigende disaster-movie-Sammlung.


  • Christoph

    WangZhuo: Hey, my feet are good actually! 🙂
    joerg: B-wort? (Magst du eigentlich auch Katastrophenfilme so gerne?)
    David lee: Aha!


  • rindy




  • DebbieQ

    GO GO 加油….


  • Christoph

    rindy: 祝你的腿要快快好起来哦!
    DebbieQ: 一直加油!:)


  • Marvin

    Haven't contacted you in a few days. It looks like your becoming a celebrity. Do they have any reality shows in China? You could host or Star in a show like " Survivor China, German Style" or maybe "Big Foreigner". The site is getting better, I'm very impressed. It was good at the beginning, but to maintain and improve say's alot for you. I'm very proud.


  • Dani

    Shillyshally: auch Dillydally,
    aber Vorsicht O-Text "The Free Dictionary": "Er zögerte die Angelegenheit, bis es fast zu spät ist"; also: latschen. latschen. latschen. nicht aufgeben – das Ding wartet 😉


  • Christoph

    Marvin: Don't know what to say… I'm so glad you like it!
    Dani: Du hast recht: Shillyshally ist schön, aber es muss auch gelatscht werden!


  • It's a pity that I didn't see you in my hometown, Houma. I came back from work in Shenzhen a couple of days after you left. I'm, however, feeling 幸福 that my hometown could be introduced to the whole world by you walker. Viel Glück!


  • Christoph

    段: It sure is a nice little town! I couldn't quite believe that it was really supposed to be the no.1 smallest town in the whole country though. Is that in population or in dimensions?


  • tessa

    I lived in Houma for a few months in 2006. back then there was a CFC – China’s first chicken! Dn’t think KFC was there yet! They have an orphanage for disabled children where we volunteered for a while. Hardly anybody in Houma knew of it. A very special (emotional yet grateful) experience.


  • tess

    ps. the orphanage has now been moved to Xinjiang; your next stop!


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