out like a soldier
This post is about an 18km walk from Shijiazhuang to Luquan. I am back in the countryside, and I see my first mountain.
I walked west today. That’s a good thing, because west is where my home is.
There shall be no more walking south for a while.
On the way out from the city I found out something I thought was interesting. It was the answer to the question as to why there were so many sex workers in this city.
The answer was because Shijiazhuang was a major military base.
Taking pictures of the military is forbidden in China (as in many other places). So I tried to keep a low profile and walk by as fast as I could.
Then THE FIRST street sign caught my attention:
This sign said that Taiyuan 太原 was another 235km ahead.
Everything is alright, I thought.
Well, what do you know, I keep walking for two hours, and what do I see? THE SECOND street sign:
This one said that Taiyuan was now 312km away.
I didn’t understand what was up with that. Maybe there was a highway bypass or something.
Here are some more colorful impressions from the road to walk from Shijiazhuang to Luquan:
I have this thing for bridges lately. The light situations are often particularly enjoyable.
This shop sign spoke to me:
漫步一足 basically means “take slow steps”. I didn’t go in, though. I just kept doing what I was doing: taking slow steps.
Then I entered some semi-countryside:
Now if people called the city “civilization”, then this had to be “the wild”, right?
I was weighing this thought in my mind when I looked up and…
…saw my first mountain!
So far, the road has been at a very steady altitude of about 50m above sea level.
Taiyuan sits at a sky-high 1500m.
There is a lot of countryside ahead. And a lot of mountain road.
I am nervous.
…der, der den Donner überwindet, sollte locker auch die Berge überwinden können. Tschakka!
…Namen sind Schall und Rauch, Pflaumentau.
das ist doch kein Berg, ein Hügel vielleicht, haha
Oh my gosh, Christoph! You be careful!
haha I see my mom and I were on here at the same time! how funny. well we are very proud and excited for you. the mountain pic is awesome! must be a rush. Oh, and you're on for a game of disco-bowling!! 🙂
Haha, das war ein guter Sinologenwitz!
wuhsi: Das Problem ist: Dem seine Brüder stehen hinter ihm rum und warten!
Wanda: I will be! No mountain-climbing, just miles and miles of road winding around…
Hailey: You better get your winning gloves on, cuz you gonna need em, girl, when the MASTER of disco-bowling is getting to town! HA!
Lilu: Sinologen kichern mit Stil.
Oh yeah? Well I never take my winning gloves OFF!! So there! We'll see who the master is. Mwahahahaha!
Ha, also da muß ich dem Wuh schon Recht geben, das ist doch kein Berg!!! Aber ich kenne ja jemanden, genauer zwei Jungs, die behaupten 1000 Höhenmeter innerhalb einer Stunde gemeistert zu haben. Aber das waren natürlich nicht Knarf und Du !
Hailey: I have been teaching tricks to Wanda & Marvin when you couldn't even hold a bowling ball yet! The disco lights shall flash, and I shall bowl and prevail!!
BOWER: Das ist komisch, genau daran musste ich heute auch denken. Das waren schon glorreiche Zeiten. Auf Elba war das. Frag mal den Pummi, wenn du ihn siehst!
omg, you’re so funny! the way you wrote your thoughts… is adorable!
Christoph Rehage Post author
haha glad you like it