yes, I’m done here

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Again, my pictures need to go home:


This is actually a shot from yesterday, when I was told that I wasn’t allowed to send anything resembling a storage medium.

“No way!” is what they said, and then I left, beaten.

But I went back today:


…spent two hours, showed them my pictures, drinking tea and talking about some of my experiences on the way – and then we finally all agreed: I was allowed to send my DVDs home. So I divided them up into two packages (I had made two copies of each disc anyways), and then I said goodbye, hoping that they would make it.

So I was done here.

Walking home from the post office I noticed a pagoda and a temple:

Luoshi Temple

It’s called Luoshi Temple 罗什寺, and originally dates from the Tang-dynasty, though it has been rebuilt time and time again, the last time apparently in the 1930s after an earthquake shattered the structure.

As you can see, the remodeling of the temple site is still going on right now:


…and another thing about this particular pagoda is very interesting:


According to the temple keeper, this is a deity 神 that has nothing to do with Buddhist belief. Anyways, it has always been proudly occupying its niche in the base of the pagoda, thus making it unique in the whole country.

Interesting, though a bit complicated.

Here’s something completely different and not at all complicated:

wiener dog

…I thought it was very cute.

PS: make sure to check out the Google Earth file – I recompiled the whole thing yesterday. Enjoy!

  • Barry

    Ja ja, doppelt hält besser! Hätteste mal auch zwei Notebooks dabei (und nicht so komische Vaio-Teile), dann hätten wir hier nicht so lange auf dem trockenen gesessen.
    Die Google-Earth-Datei erschlägt einen. Wie wird die wohl aussehen wenn Du im Iran oder so bist?
    Und wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin und mir das Ding ansehe, dann frage ich mich: wanderst Du eigentlich auch ab und zu oder bist Du nur am fotografieren? 🙂


  • Corinna

    I hope, they do have good veterinary ophthalmologists out there in China!!! 😉

    Life is tough for those eyes …


  • Steven

    Got error to download the Google Earth File from the link, please check!


  • Florian

    …hat ja nicht lang gehalten mit der Signatur, kostet vermutlich zu viel Zeit ?


  • Becci

    fast wirklich ein süßer hund… 😉


  • Marvin

    How are you doing? I have been checking the site from time to time with Wanda here at home. It seems you are improving at this thing day by day. Not meaning that it hasn't been great from the beginning.
    I thought you ought to know that I was in Kansas City the other day and was talking to one of my clients and found out that he knew about you and has been visiting your site from time to time.
    By the way I believe that there is a world wide
    conspiracy that all Post Offices everywhere are difficult. They are all ran by a little guy named Floyd that has cronic constipation.


  • Christoph

    Barry: Ich lasse mich durch den Rückstoß des Auslösers an der Kamera langsam vorantragen!
    Corinna: …but he has the maxium 360° vision!
    Steven: Yes, my bad. I think it's fixed now though!
    Florian: Die Signatur ist nur auf den alten Bildern drauf.
    Becci: Willste haben?
    Marvin: Hahahaha, do you think we can maybe find that Floyd guy and beat him up together?


  • Joshua

    Tengri is speaking to you
    From the base of the hills
    And the big sky coming


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