the dragon

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I didn’t know I would have to walk that much today.

“Keep going for another 20k” they had said, “you will find a small settlement with hotels and restaurants there!”

So I walked past the mules…


…past the bushes…

green trees

…past the violet flowers…


…walked 20k until I was there – and I was surprised:


Everything was closed, the whole place seemed almost deserted.

There was only one restaurant that was serving guests – though I was the only one:


I had lunch, then I lay down for a while. The only thing I could hear was the owner washing wild mushrooms outside. It felt very peaceful.

I fell asleep.

When I woke up I knew I had to go.

The place was called Great Wall Opening 长城口, and it featured a massive section of the wall that had been restored during the Ming-dynasty:

Great Wall

The restaurant owners told me that they used to have tourism in this area, but then a few years ago the authorities had decided to remove what was left of any relics in this place and rather put them in some city-level museums.

The tourists had stopped coming after that.

on top of the Great Wall

Well, there was one today, tourist #1 on the old dragon:


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By the way, I was never able to find out what sort of relics they were talking about, but I imagined it to be rather small things, maybe from holes in the Wall like this one:

hole in the Wall

The Wall itself had also suffered quite a bit – it even seemed torn apart in many places:

Great Wall amid fields

I wasn’t totally alone here, sometimes I would come across some shepherds with their flocks:


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(hint: watch this video again if you are having trouble going to sleep!)

Well, nothing lasts forever, so at some point in time I had to leave my beloved Great Wall to itself, and make my way back to the road:


It was eight in the evening and I had another 10k to go.

The sun was setting:

sunset with factory

…it was setting on all the beautiful things:

Sonnenuntergang bei Shandan

…and on all the others:


Well, here’s a long story short:

trees at night

I was walking in the moonshine…

cement factory near Shandan

…and my feet hurt.

  • Florian

    Olée, jetzt geht's wohl richtig los hier. Schicke Sonnenuntergangsbilder, hab auch gerade welche vom Sonnenaufgang auf dem Brocken gemacht ;-). Obwohl das hier sicherlich ne Ecke abgefahrener ist. 43km , weiter so!


  • Steven

    I felt asleep soon I counted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.., 8…, 9…., ………
    zz.. zzz… zzzz…. ….. ZZzzz……


  • Gisela

    Sonne, Mond und Schäfchen zählen… – Tolle Stimmungsbilder heute. Schöne Grüsse an die Füsse.


  • jule

    hm, ich wollte ja anfangen mit: "die ersten drei bilder sind echt klasse!" aber die sind ja fast alle unglaublich schön!! 🙂


  • Christoph

    Florian: Hehe, neenee, ich lauf erst mal n bisschen langsamer, das macht mich sonst zu fertig hier!
    Steven: Hey Steven, when you're up and awake again, can you check the Google Earth file ( for me please? I think I somehow managed to improve it, so it will update itself in the future! 🙂
    Gisela: Jo und Gruß zurück nach Portugal!
    jule: Die große Mauer im Osten ist noch schöner! 🙂


  • Hermann

    aaaaaa, war gerade eingeschlafen, sorry, die Schafe.


  • rubi

    jeden tag hier vorbeigucken und jeden tag ein bisschen mehr vorfreude.
    Was ist gelb, krumm, normiert und vollständig?
    Ein Bananachraum.
    hahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…. zu lustig.


  • Alfredo

    BTW, wild mushrooms in the *desert*? Last I checked, mushrooms grew in humid places with organic matter lying around! You did report that it does sometime rain there, but still… It would be worth asking the locals how they exactly grow these mushrooms!


  • jule

    na dann hoffe ich mal, dass ich sie irgendwann mal selbst zu gesicht bekomme… 🙂


  • Steven

    The link of the Google Earth File doesn't work again.


  • Christoph

    Hermann: Ha!
    rubi: Sauber, ein absoluter Knaller! Mehr davon bitte!
    Alfredo: Hm… I didn't even think of that…
    jule: Unbedingt!!
    Steven: Damn… I fixed it again, works on my computer now, please try to download it from the "links" page. Sorry about that!


  • ataraxia

    i fell asleep. well done!


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