Monthly Archives: September 2010

he is I and I am him

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I got up in the early morning hours and started walking. It felt nice, because the air was fresh and there were not many cars around on the country road: I passed some parts that looked like a strange planet: And some structures… …that seemed like they were from a different time and age: I […]

black kites & silly geese

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I eventually dragged my sorry ass out from the castle and started walking again. One thing about Changji that really surprised me was its cleanliness – very unlike some of the other cities I’ve come through on my way from the capital. Apparently, this is due to an effort to transform Changji into a tourist […]

fearless vampire killers

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What was there to do? Stay in my castle of foot pain all day? I tried this option, but eventually I had to go outside and watch some dudes play a game of Chinese Chess 象棋 for a while: By loading the video, you agree to YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube […]